Dream about collision
Dream about Collision signifies your nurturing, protective and caring nature. You are trying to buy your way into a situation or relationship. Perhaps you are angry with someone or at something. This dream signals your desire to help others or give back. Perhaps you are not ready to confront your feelings.
Collision is a message for indecision; you cannot make up your mind about something. You are feeling trapped or helpless. You need to better focus your energies toward your goal. Your dream symbolises your ability to coordinate your actions and execute your plans. You may be taken for a ride or being manipulated in some situation.
Dream about Collision [(physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together] suggests approval and acceptance. You don’t need to underestimate yourself. You are keeping aspects of yourself a secret and protecting yourself from others. Your dream is a sign for a situation that has created a loss of respect for you. You need to eat a more healthy diet.
Dream about Collision [an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object] states a hard and difficult journey or path. You need to put a little more pep in some area of your life. You need to learn to express yourself through paper and your imagination. Your dream is an omen for your nurturing attribute. You are feeling limited or restricted in some aspect of your life.
Dream about Collision [a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals] is a hint for loss of love and broken companionship. Somebody is trying to help you resolve the some issue at hand. You need to be more patient or more understanding of others. Your dream is a premonition for a desperate need for greater closeness with your father. You need to rid yourself of your old habits.
Dream about being in a head on collision
Dream about Being In A Head On Collision is a signal for a major emotional issue. You feel restricted from what you really want to do. Perhaps you are about to be exposed. This dream indicates an impending eruption of emotions. Some powerful people are trying to undermine you and your abilities.
Read More..Dream about head on collision
Dream about Head On Collision represents a drastic change ahead. You are feeling apprehensive about the future. You have unveiled some hidden skill or talent. This dream is a harbinger for your ideal self and your notions of perfection. You laying the groundwork for a plan or personal endeavor.
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Dream about Car Collision expresses completion and a sense of pride or accomplishment. You will be called upon to for some assistance in a matter. You are ready to confront some news. The dream refers to a true hero and hope. You will be well rewarded if you devote some time and effort to some goal or project.
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Dream about Train Collision is a metaphor for family issues and feelings. Something unexpected is about to occur. You may be putting your work or ambition ahead of your loved ones. The dream is a premonition for some emotion that you need to confront and deal with. You are open to new things.
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Dream about Plane Collision is a symbol for your search for love, spiritual enlightenment, peace or even a solution to a problem. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and appreciate the environment. Seemingly small ideas and concepts can possess much potential and power. The dream expresses the memories or unnecessary details you keep stored in your mind and need to retrieve from time to time. You are utilizing your power to persuade or protect.
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