Dream about being in a head on collision
Dream about Being In A Head On Collision is a signal for a major emotional issue. You feel restricted from what you really want to do. Perhaps you are about to be exposed. This dream indicates an impending eruption of emotions. Some powerful people are trying to undermine you and your abilities.
Be in your dream is your tenacity and refusal to give up. You need to adjust your attitude. You are experiencing much stress in some situation. The dream points to some aspect of yourself that is private. You are trying to fit in.
Head dream is a message for falsehoods and deception. There is a problem or issue that is burdening you. You are stuck in some problem, situation or relationship. This dream is a symbol for mental agility. You could be on the defensive about something.
Collision in this dream means anxiety about technology and loss of control. It is time to set up your goals and put your plan into action. You have anti-social tendencies. The dream symbolises your need to feel protected. There may be something in your life that you need to cut out and get rid of.
Be and Head suggests joy and happiness. You are in love with two different persons. You feel at ease and that you can be yourself. Your dream is an indication for your dark and sinister side. You need to approach life with more casual and live more freely.
Be and Collision symbolises the need for change. Perhaps you are the one who is intruding on other people’s business. You are seeking guidance from a higher source. This dream points to a closure to something. Your inner feelings are being made known to those around you.
Dream About Head On Collision represents great harmony and heightened awareness toward some situation. You are worried about some situation or decision. You want to add some spice to your life. This dream hints some uncontrollable energy. You are taking more than you give.
Dream about Being In A Head On Collision is an indication for divine qualities of fertility, nourishment and motherhood. You need to give appreciation to those who have helped you along the way. You need to take a risk in love. This dream means your desires for freedom. You are seeking clarity in a situation.
Sometimes, dream about being in a head on collision represents a lack of confidence. You may find that those around you are ready to support in your whatever you do or decide. You are not being genuine. The dream is sadly a warning alert for loneliness, neglect, or sadness. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears.
Dream about head on collision
Dream about Head On Collision represents a drastic change ahead. You are feeling apprehensive about the future. You have unveiled some hidden skill or talent. This dream is a harbinger for your ideal self and your notions of perfection. You laying the groundwork for a plan or personal endeavor.
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