Dream about being an engineer

Dream about Being An Engineer is an evidence for the holiday season of fun, joy, togetherness and giving. You feel conflicted about a decision and are stuck in the middle. You are taking self defense. This dream is an evidence for your subconscious mind. You feel that you are becoming like your father.
Being An Engineer is sometimes your potential to achieve your goals. You need to be more open and expressive with your emotions. You are feeling tense, anxious and excited. Your dream expresses superior knowledge, wisdom and insight. You are doing the right thing or that you are on the right path.
Be in your dream points to a part of yourself that is repressed and hidden. You desire to be more open minded and free. You are not thinking clearly and are refusing to see the truth. This dream is about extreme hostility toward some situation or someone. Your level of confidence is fading or lost.
Be in this dream suggests your concerns with your looks. You may feel violated. You need to stop reliving the past and learn to let go. Your dream signals your scholarly pursuits. You need to show more cooperation.
Engineer in dream represents how you are looking within yourself to find your true destiny. You are seeking guidance and advice. You are teaching someone a lesson and giving them a hard time about something. This dream suggests your need to downsize some aspect of your life in order to make it more palatable or manageable. Your personal space has been violated.
Engineer dream signals your fears and vulnerabilities. You are being territorial. You are doing your best trying to balance various aspects of your life. Your dream hints your sense of individuality and the desire to stand out in a crowd. Some situation beyond your control is causing you to shut down emotionally.
Dream about both “Be” and “Engineer” refers to an aspect of yourself that you do not like or are trying to suppress. You are trying to avoid some issue. Someone is shoving their ideas, beliefs and opinions in your face. Your dream is a sign for your own self righteousness and narrow mindedness and rude attitudes. You are having difficulties coming to a compromise in a situation.
Dream about being an engineer is about the carefree nature of childhood. You feel restricted and that you can’t express your emotions freely. You are expressing some anxiety over your actions and the fear that you will be exposed. Your dream is a harbinger for power and your ability to draw strength from within yourself. You have overstepped your boundaries.

Dream about engineer
Dream about Engineer draws attention to your own feelings of insecurity. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You are having trouble coming to a decision about something. This dream states your fear of facing a harsh reality. You need to express yourself more constructively.
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Dream about becoming an engineer
Dream about Becoming An Engineer is an omen for your commitment to some important life decision you have made. You are ready to confront issues and emotions which you have suppressed. You will rise to a level of prominence. The dream is a hint for an end to something and the beginning of something else. You are looking for respect and guidance.
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Dream about mechanical engineer
Dream about Mechanical Engineer is a clue for a hasty change in the business market. You have a sense of security. You are open to changes and to looking at things from a different perspective. Your dream is a harbinger for trust in relationship. You have moved on with your life.
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