Dream about becoming an engineer

Dream about Becoming An Engineer is an omen for your commitment to some important life decision you have made. You are ready to confront issues and emotions which you have suppressed. You will rise to a level of prominence. The dream is a hint for an end to something and the beginning of something else. You are looking for respect and guidance.
Becoming An Engineer states a change in direction in your life. You will be confronted with unjust accusations. You need some direction and guidance in your life. The dream is a metaphor for your drive, tenacity and ambition. Someone is mocking you.
Become in your dream is an evidence for your need to be pampered. You need a break from the monotony. Two previously conflicting aspects are merging together as one. This dream is about a danger lurking near you. You are being set up to take the fall for the actions of others.
Become in this dream draws attention to emotional or relationship needs. You need to be more assertive, aggressive and confident in your abilities and talents. You are being too petty over minor issues. Your dream stands for emptiness or illness. You are making too many demands in your life.
Engineer in dream means togetherness. You need to look toward the future instead of reliving the past. Perhaps you need to be more direct about your desires and wishes. Your dream signifies constraints and restrictions in your thoughts, feelings and actions. You are feeling weary about pursing someone else’s dreams instead of your own.
Engineer dream denotes a yearning or desire for something you do not have. You need to catch-up on something. You are experiencing some financial issues. The dream is a metaphor for a need to clean up you behavior and change your childish ways. You need to be more aggressive in your approach to a problem, task or situation.
Dream about both “Become” and “Engineer” refers to your hard driving and headstrong attitudes. You are trying too hard to adapt to this new attitude. You are experiencing a relationship or situation which makes you feel unhappy and uncomfortable. The dream points at vanity. This problem or situation can no longer be ignored.
Dream about becoming an engineer is a premonition for your spiritual connection and religious views. You are going against your conscience. You will accomplish your tasks and realize your goals. This dream represents a solid foundation for life. Sometimes you need to seek the help of others in order to accomplish some mutual goal.

Dream about engineer
Dream about Engineer draws attention to your own feelings of insecurity. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You are having trouble coming to a decision about something. This dream states your fear of facing a harsh reality. You need to express yourself more constructively.
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Dream about being an engineer
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Dream about mechanical engineer
Dream about Mechanical Engineer is a clue for a hasty change in the business market. You have a sense of security. You are open to changes and to looking at things from a different perspective. Your dream is a harbinger for trust in relationship. You have moved on with your life.
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