50 War Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 War Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about being stuck in a war zone
Dream about Being Stuck In A War Zone is a harbinger for strength, permanence, stability and integrity. You feel it is your job to repair and put things back in order. You will be greatly satisfied with the outcome of a situation or project. This dream is a harbinger for approval and validation of your actions. You are experiencing a reawakening.
Read More..Dream about being in the middle of a war
Dream about Being In The Middle Of A War is an indication for a change in direction in your life. You hold yourself in high regard. You are proud of who you are and have a lot to offer other people. This dream is a clue for energy, fertility or immortality. Perhaps someone or something has caused you to be in awe.
Read More..Dream about war signifies
Dream about War Signifies is about your personal memories of the holidays. You need to heal some emotional wounds so that you can continue to grow as a person. You have a secret that you are afraid will be revealed. Your dream is about a cherished memory. You are regressing into your comfort zone.
Read More..Dream about war
Dream about War draws attention to your mobility and adaptability to situations in life. You need to thoroughly think through some emotional issue. Perhaps you are coming across as too indifferent. The dream expresses your carelessness and inconsideration of someone’s feelings. Perhaps you are wanting to go back to a simpler time where you were cared for and did not have to worry about anything.
Read More..Dream about bombs and war
Dream about Bombs And War indicates something is about to be completed in your life. You need to focus on your goals. Things will happen if you set your mind to it. Your dream is sometimes growth, creative energy and positive change. You are never happy with what you have and are always trying to acquiring more material things.
Read More..Dream about a place war on drugs
Dream about A Place War On Drugs is an evidence for a time in life where things may have been simpler. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about an issue. You need to introduce some liveliness in your life. Your dream is a portent for comfort, relaxation, ease and luxury. There is something that you are keeping silent about.
Read More..Dream about war attack
Dream about War Attack is a sign for new beginning and spiritual enlightenment. You are looking at things from a spiritual viewpoint. You are feeling shortchanged. Your dream is an evidence for a unified whole. You need to pay attention to the dream as it may offer a solution.
Read More..Dream about escaping war
Dream about Escaping War signifies your desires for a more gratifying and exciting life. Something that you desire is being kept from you. You are opening something. The dream is a message for a significant and meaningful aspect of yourself. You are integrating aspects of the feminine and the masculine.
Read More..Dream about war fighting
Dream about War Fighting is a metaphor for cleanliness, compassion and properness. You are standing on solid ground. You need to take charge of your life. Your dream is a hint for something or someone that you look up to. You need to step up and be more confident.
Read More..Dream about war scene
Dream about War Scene signals a sweet and satisfying situation will eventually turn into sticky problem. You are feeling alienated or unaccepted. You are suppressing your emotions or aggression and expressing it in a more socially acceptable manner. The dream hints precision, alertness and sensitivity. You are always willing to help others.
Read More..Dream about world war
Dream about World War is an indication for your need to relax and enjoy life. Your emotions also effect those around you. Some of your qualities will serve to guide you through life’s journey. The dream is an evidence for your tenacity, persistence and ability to drive a hard bargain. You are being pressured to make an important change or choice.
Read More..Dream about war sky
Dream about War Sky hints a freedom of expression and the ability to let go of the confines in your daily life. You are acknowledging core aspects of that person within your own self. You are a entering a new phase of life or a new phase of personal development. This dream is a premonition for longevity and wisdom. You are receptive to new ideas.
Read More..Dream about being caught in a war
Dream about Being Caught In A War points to your fears of losing something that is important to you. You are open to new experiences. You are worried that others will see the real you and criticize you. Your dream is a signal for some memory or something that you need to always remember. You need to pay attention to those around you.
Read More..Dream about war and bombs
Dream about War And Bombs is a harbinger for solitude and unfaithfulness. You are being protective of the things that are important to you. Your agility and stealth will get you what you want. The dream is a premonition for an urgent message from your subconscious. You are feeling calm.
Read More..Dream about war and death
Dream about War And Death states your intuition or instinct is very strong and that you need to follow it. You are feeling emotional torn. You are experiencing some form of insecurity and jealousy in your relationship. The dream signals grief, sorrow and bereavement. You need to act more smartly about a situation.
Read More..Dream about being a prisoner of war
Dream about Being A Prisoner Of War denotes some emotion that you need to confront and deal with. You are feeling emotionally content or satisfied. You are putting up a wall between you and others. Your dream is a harbinger for the mischievous aspect of your personality. You creativity is being contained.
Read More..Dream about war tank
Dream about War Tank symbolises a turn of good luck will come your way. Perhaps it is a relationship that you need to let go of. You believe that you are being unfairly treated. Your dream is an indication for feminine power, beauty and love. You should keep your opinions to yourself.
Read More..Dream about war song
Dream about War Song signals your own personal beliefs and religious experiences. You have a desire to retreat from the stresses of the real world. You need to balance all the demands in your daily life. The dream is an inner battle between your own ideals and values and between the ideals and values of others. It is time to make a fresh, clean start.
Read More..Dream about nuclear war
Dream about Nuclear War means feminine power and mystique. You are experiencing some separation anxiety. You have a spiritual guide. This dream expresses an appreciation and celebration of life. Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend still has some sort of emotional hold on you.
Read More..Dream about war shooting
Dream about War Shooting points to balance. You are in a relaxed state in your relationship. You are suppressing your thoughts and feelings. Your dream means your need to express more love and affection. You are refusing to accept the consequences of your actions.
Read More..Dream about war zone
Dream about War Zone is a signal for your middle class status. You have the ability to dig deep and bring up subconscious wisdom. Someone can see right through you and your facade. Your dream indicates freedom, openness and opportunities. You fit in with anybody and anywhere.
Read More..Dream about war dog tag
Dream about War Dog Tag symbolises your respect and adoration for your friend. You are cautiously exploring your emotions and subconscious feelings. You need to sort out the things that are important and unimportant in your life. Your dream is a symbol for your quickness in confronting some suppressed emotions. You are regressing back into your subconscious.
Read More..Dream about old war
Dream about Old War represents happiness and joy. You need to clear your mind and free yourself of certain emotions that are weighing you down. You generally go with the flow of things. The dream suggests a statement about your life and its condition. You have the right attitude toward life.
Read More..Dream about endless war
Dream about Endless War expresses someone who is genuinely sweet and kind-hearted. You are integrating aspects of the feminine and the masculine. You may be a slave to your job, to your family, to some habit, or to some obsession. Your dream points to your personal memories of the holidays. You are on your way to achieving your goals.
Read More..Dream about going to war
Dream about Going To War suggests a new surge in your creativity and personal development. You are withdrawing from society. You need to be more daring and try something new and different. Your dream is a signal for child-like innocence, frailty and mischievousness. Something is eating you up inside.
Read More..Dream about being a soldier at war
Dream about Being A Soldier At War stands for glamour and beauty. It is okay to let loose once in a while. You are able to get to the heart of the matter. Your dream is a premonition for an emotional rebirth. You are living in your own fantasy world.
Read More..Dream about drug war
Dream about Drug War is an omen for frivolity, happiness, gracefulness, sensuality and emotional desires. You are censoring yourself and watching what you say. You are feeling lonely. The dream is an omen for your desires to hold onto a certain moment in your life. You are overly confident in your future success.
Read More..Dream about war invasion
Dream about War Invasion is a premonition for your enriching and fulfilling life. Help for you is always around the corner. You are saying one thing, but you actually mean something else. The dream is a hint for growth, early rise to wealth and fortunate advancements to places of honor. Some current knowledge or information will help you or someone in the future.
Read More..Dream about army war
Dream about Army War suggests some unusual aggression. You are literally letting others push you around. You are questioning your own abilities. This dream expresses changing of sides. You want to take action.
Read More..Dream about being killed in war
Dream about Being Killed In War points at your willingness and determination to do something. Your path to success is going as planned. It is time to make a new start. Your dream points at your perseverance and tenacity. You are embracing yourself.
Read More..Dream about seeing war
Dream about Seeing War is a sign for your nurturance side and your ability to reach out and care for people. You are a highly sensitive person. By recognizing the hidden aspects of yourself, you are able to move forward in life. The dream is a sign for luck, good fortune, longevity and tranquil life. You are rejecting something.
Read More..Dream about dying in war
Dream about Dying In War is completion and wholeness. You need to be more adventurous and get more involved. There is something that you need to make a mental note of. This dream is an indication for your security and secrets. You may feel that you are being put to the test.
Read More..Dream about blood war
Dream about Blood War points to your willingness and determination to do something. You need to choose and take a side. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. Your dream is a sign for a new direction that you are taking. You have let your success and ego distance you from others.
Read More..Dream about war prisoner
Dream about War Prisoner is a symbol for your faith and optimism about the future. Somebody is offering you some encouragement. You look for security over love. This dream indicates pleasant surprises, sweet things and new discoveries. You are refusing to move onto a new stage of life.
Read More..Dream about war and killing
Dream about War And Killing signals the relationship with your husband/wife and the subconscious feelings you have towards him/her. You are feeling overwhelmed by the negativity around you. You have a little strength. Your dream is a signal for self-acceptance, as well as self-love. You have the gift of convincing people to see things your way.
Read More..Dream about war planes
Dream about War Planes signals free enterprise and patriotism. You need to learn from the past in order to move forward. You will experience much success as a result of your dedication. The dream is a portent for your middle class status. You will go far in your life.
Read More..Dream about death and war
Dream about Death And War is a portent for knowledge or contemplation. You are putting up a barrier between your conscious and subconscious state. You feel that you are being held back, either physically or mentally. This dream refers to a new project or fresh start. You need a fresh new perspective on where your life is headed.
Read More..Dream about war outbreak
Dream about War Outbreak signifies hope, possibilities, creativity, peace and freedom of expression. You are doubting the power of your femininity. Your friendships are drifting apart. The dream is a sign for disappointments in achieving your goals and attaining your highest desires. You are feeling alienated from those around you.
Read More..Dream about war and peace
Dream about War And Peace expresses confidence about achieving your goals. In order to have success and make it happen, you need to be able to visualize it. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about an issue. The dream is a symbol for your desire for a loyal relationship. You need to appreciate your good qualities.
Read More..Dream about war of the worlds
Dream about War Of The Worlds is a sign for good fortune in financial matters. You are living in the old ages. You feel abandoned. Your dream signifies the beginning of a fresh new idea. You are preserving your ideas and energy so that you can access them later.
Read More..Dream about being a war prisoner
Dream about Being A War Prisoner denotes a particular relationship or current situation in your life. You hold yourself in high regard. You want to be admired and wanted. The dream is a portent for creativity, energy, success, optimism, generosity, pleasure and extravagance. You are feeling out of the loop.
Read More..Dream about war and guns
Dream about War And Guns expresses blessings, purity and virginal love. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you. You will overcome your adversities with ease. The dream states progress and achievement. You need to add some joy to your life.
Read More..Dream about war happening
Dream about War Happening is a clue for your personality, your social self, your facade and how you portray yourself to others. You are longing for the comfort of home or of more familiar surroundings. You are moving toward becoming a better person. Your dream signals success in your projects. Perhaps you are taking a nonchalant attitude to circumstances that need serious consideration.
Read More..Dream about war starting
Dream about War Starting is beauty, humility, wealth and wisdom. You are looking for respect and guidance. You will be rewarded for the good things you have done for others. Your dream is an evidence for your changing opinions and thoughts. You need to be careful with those around you.
Read More..Dream about ancient war
Dream about Ancient War states your need for intimacy and affection. Maybe it is time for a career change. You are flipping back and forth on a decision. This dream expresses changes and transformation. You are in touch and in tune with your spirituality.
Read More..Dream about war ships
Dream about War Ships is a signal for the beauty within. You will experience clarity in some situation or relationship. You are reflecting back on your past and old memories. Your dream points to your actions and your true intentions. You are reassessing your view and outlook on life.
Read More..Dream about someone war
Dream about Someone War stands for warmth and comfort. You are lying about something or that you are being a hypocrite. There is a calming influence in your life. The dream is an omen for your creative energy flow. You are expressing your enthusiasm and zest for life.
Read More..Dream about being in war zone
Dream about Being In War Zone is an indication for a very clingy relationship. You are taking a risk. You need to start making goals for your future. The dream means your quest for the truth. You feel restrained.
Read More..Dream about war military
Dream about War Military refers to clarity of thought and peace of mind. You are expressing a desire to know and understand these people on a deeper level. You are experiencing balance and harmony. The dream is your caring and loving nature. There is something that you are completely overlooking.
Read More..Dream about war game
Dream about War Game stands for your future accomplishments and achievements. You are longing for some aspect of your past. Some relationship or somebody is dominating you. The dream is a happy and bright outlook. You need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life needed for personal growth.
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