7 Velvet Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 7 Velvet Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.

Dream about red velvet cake
Dream about Red Velvet Cake suggests power and your ability to exert it in various situations. You are experiencing wild mood swings. Perhaps you need to confront something in your life that you know is hurting you. Your dream is a symbol for your satisfaction and happiness with a current relationship. You are being snappy.
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Dream about black velvet
Dream about Black Velvet is a symbol for your well being. You are in a comfortable place in your life. Some pattern in your life is repeating itself, resulting in a viscous cycle. This dream hints swiftness and agility. You are neglecting your responsibilities, talents, or some issue.
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Dream about velvet
Dream about Velvet is a portent for some hesitation and reluctance in the pursuit of your goals. You are unconscious. You are feeling drained, physically and emotionally. The dream states dissatisfaction with some situation. Comfort will come about through hard work, diligence and prudence.
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Dream about blue velvet
Dream about Blue Velvet is a portent for love, beauty, protection and happiness. You are in for an emotional journey. You need to be more direct and honest with your feelings. The dream is a sign for happiness and joy. You have opened up your feelings and allow yourself to love and be loved.
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Dream about red velvet
Dream about Red Velvet is a portent for masculinity and fertility. You are feeling overwhelmed by the demands that others are putting on you. You have fully accepted that a relationship is over. This dream indicates a situation or a person who may not be worth your time. You are refusing to see a certain point of view or perspective on an issue.
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Dream about velvet tamarind
Dream about Velvet Tamarind is a signal for joy, renewed pleasure or increased sensitivity. You are punishing yourself. Your mind is your own. The dream is a message for access and control. You are carrying a lot of burden.
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Dream about velvet cake
Dream about Velvet Cake means your mood, attitude and emotions. You are expressing a wish to escape from your responsibilities. You may have risen to a higher level of consciousness and are looking at the world from an elevated viewpoint. The dream hints an escape from your own personal issues and stresses. You are overconfident in your success.
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