50 Surgery Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Surgery Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about having open heart surgery
Dream about Having Open Heart Surgery is a symbol for bachelorhood. You are broadening your mind and opening yourself to new experiences. It is okay to be silly sometimes. This dream is a clue for a new relationship, fresh beginnings or possible marriage. A decision you have made is final.
Read More..Dream about foot surgery
Dream about Foot Surgery hints the roots and core of your own emotions and spirituality. You are showing potential and promise for the future. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions. The dream is sometimes some hidden secrets. You are displaying your aggressive nature.
Read More..Dream about someone getting surgery
Dream about Someone Getting Surgery refers to your simple tastes. Something good is coming to an end. You are planning a path toward success. The dream is an omen for a layer of protection from what you are feeling. You will have prominence in some field.
Read More..Dream about getting brain surgery
Dream about Getting Brain Surgery is a clue for what is ahead of you and the choices you make. You are in danger of having some of your goals come crashing down. You are in an elevated position. Your dream is a premonition for recognition for your work. You are unaware of something important that may be right in front of you.
Read More..Dream about surgery on hip
Dream about Surgery On Hip is a metaphor for a decision or choice that you need to make in order to progress forward. You desire more freedom from cultural and society restraints. There are things from your past experiences that you can still learn from. This dream refers to how well you carry yourself and your ability to reach out to others. You have a distorted self image.
Read More..Dream about having plastic surgery
Dream about Having Plastic Surgery points to a casual and carefree attitude. You are feeling nervous or excited about something. You have to let go of the relationship that is holding you back. The dream refers to the union of the feminine and masculine aspects. Your subconscious is telling you about some hidden truth or family secret that needs to be uncovered.
Read More..Dream about having brain surgery
Dream about Having Brain Surgery is a clue for sadness or quiet contemplation. You are moving ahead toward a new stage in your life. It is the beginning of the path that you are taking in life. The dream signifies unexpressed angers and other powerful feelings which you are holding back. You have come a long way from where you first started.
Read More..Dream about head surgery
Dream about Head Surgery is a signal for a desire for increased status and power. Something is emerging from your subconscious. You are grateful for the life you have. Your dream signals the holidays and Christmas season. You are also reflecting on the decisions you have made along the way and what you have accomplished.
Read More..Dream about getting eye surgery
Dream about Getting Eye Surgery denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Perhaps you hope that a friend can act more like a particular celebrity. You need to start putting your words into action. The dream is a message for your real life relationship with a person and how you feel about him/her. You are last in line for something.
Read More..Dream about major surgery
Dream about Major Surgery is a symbol for memories from childhood. You need to take a gamble on something. A major transformation is taking place in your life. The dream is a symbol for harmony, intimacy, merriness, prosperous undertakings, personal gain and joyous spirits. You are letting your negative emotions get the best of you.
Read More..Dream about appendix surgery
Dream about Appendix Surgery expresses your goals of a family. You are in tune with your surroundings. You are trying to be more influential and powerful in the world. Your dream is a symbol for the new responsibilities that will bring you much joy. You feel that you are above someone.
Read More..Dream about chest surgery
Dream about Chest Surgery is an omen for the status of your goals and of where you are headed in life. Your talents are being utilized. You are questioning someone’s action. The dream indicates how you are directing and expressing your emotions. You are heading into a new path in life and are ready to learn by example or from a past experience.
Read More..Dream about surgery on knee
Dream about Surgery On Knee is a symbol for boundary between your conscious and subconscious. Positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. You are idealizing a relationship. The dream is sometimes sensuality, intensity and drama. There is an unexpected setback in your plans or goals.
Read More..Dream about liver surgery
Dream about Liver Surgery means you are going to say yes to some question you have been asking yourself. You are able to easily bounce back from setbacks and disappointments in your life. You carry yourself with style, grace and composure in the hardest of situations. This dream is a metaphor for peace and prosperity. You are hiding your sense of self worth and self value.
Read More..Dream about back surgery
Dream about Back Surgery is an omen for your perseverance and tenacity. You are displaying your aggressive nature. There is still much work ahead. This dream hints a project that you are passionate about. You feel unimportant and unnoticed.
Read More..Dream about someone having surgery
Dream about Someone Having Surgery is a sign for informality and ease. You are feeling spiritually conflicted. It is the time to swallow your pride and let the past go. This dream states your goals and your plans on how to achieve them. You are struggling with gender roles and what is acceptable.
Read More..Dream about brain surgery
Dream about Brain Surgery is a symbol for uninhibited passion and lust. You are going against the masses and expressing your own personal freedom. You need to enjoy your life. Your dream is a clue for beauty and good luck. You are a people pleaser.
Read More..Dream about getting surgery
Dream about Getting Surgery refers to female emotions. A project, relationship or idea is about to take off in a sudden and spectacular way. You feel well protected. Your dream is a symbol for your need for clarity in some situation. You are punishing others.
Read More..Dream about hospital surgery
Dream about Hospital Surgery denotes freedom from societal norms and rules. You are the only one who can confront the problem and rise above it. You need to be more confident in your abilities and proud of your achievements. This dream is a clue for your unhappiness and discontentment at work. You are perceiving the world in a comical and unserious manner.
Read More..Dream about preparing for surgery
Dream about Preparing For Surgery symbolises a new state of mind or a shift in personal identity. You are experiencing a rebirth. You are all over the place in your emotions and thinking. Your dream is a metaphor for a sweet and satisfying situation will eventually turn into sticky problem. You want others to look up to you.
Read More..Dream about open heart surgery
Dream about Open Heart Surgery is sometimes new attitudes and a new persona. You have restrained life style. You are going with the flow of things without any objection or resistance. Your dream is a portent for your animalistic and instinctual nature. You are feeling safe.
Read More..Dream about ear surgery
Dream about Ear Surgery refers to what you choose to let other see. Have a disciplined view toward food. You are afraid to see your true Self and to be who you are. The dream is a symbol for truth, belief, inspiration and knowledge. You need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life needed for personal growth.
Read More..Dream about plastic surgery
Dream about Plastic Surgery is a hint for a transitional period in your life. You are looking at things from a spiritual viewpoint. You have overstep your boundaries and into another’s rights. The dream is a premonition for your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions. You are invited to an event.
Read More..Dream about having surgery on leg
Dream about Having Surgery On Leg denotes your preoccupation with appearances and beauty over substance and quality. You are pursuing a new path or goal. You have something to hide. Your dream suggests something vulnerable, pure and innocent. You are steering in the right direction.
Read More..Dream about upcoming surgery
Dream about Upcoming Surgery is about your cultural ties and ancestral links. You feel confident and self-assured. You are versatile and able to adapt to any situation. The dream is a metaphor for your persona and subconscious. You need a change of scenery in your life.
Read More..Dream about being surgery
Dream about Being Surgery means your own soul and self. You are undertaking responsibilities that will give you a lot of anxiety. You are doing exactly what you want to do in life. This dream is a portent for your caring and loving nature. You have a welcoming demeanor.
Read More..Dream about having breast surgery
Dream about Having Breast Surgery denotes emotional issues and you sense of femininity and masculinity. You like to take charge of others and watch out for their best interest. You need to improve your communications skills. The dream signifies your perseverance and thick-skinned nature. You are feeling emotionally and mentally uplifted.
Read More..Dream about having foot surgery
Dream about Having Foot Surgery is a hint for something in your life that you feel at fault. You are refusing to accept things as they really are. You may be questioning what you really want to do with your life. This dream denotes your free spirit. You are laying out a plan.
Read More..Dream about surgery on hand
Dream about Surgery On Hand is a premonition for spiritual enlightenment, hope, new ideas and visions. You need to be more open about your emotions and express how you really feel. You are transitioning smoothly through life’s events. Your dream expresses your potential to achieve and to do something with yourself. You are putting yourself in harm’s way.
Read More..Dream about eye surgery
Dream about Eye Surgery is a metaphor for the soul. You have been hit with some surprising information or news. You are overstepping your boundaries and prying into other people’s business. This dream indicates the start of a new love. You are taking a drastic, new approach to some issue in your life.
Read More..Dream about son having surgery
Dream about Son Having Surgery hints sentimentality and nostalgia. Now is the time to start a new venture. You are very comfortable with your own emotions. Your dream is an indication for your talents, belief system and good deeds. You have laid the groundwork for your success.
Read More..Dream about having kidney surgery
Dream about Having Kidney Surgery is a symbol for the end of a cycle or condition. You are setting a new precedence for something. You need to make the first move in a relationship. The dream is a sign for the start of a new project or new stage in your life. You are refusing to move onto a new stage of life.
Read More..Dream about lung surgery
Dream about Lung Surgery symbolises opulence and satisfaction in life. You have developed a way of shielding yourself from things that may hurt you. You need to focus on the task at hand. Your dream stands for your need for emotional and physical healing. You are placing more emphasis and weight on one thing, while ignoring other important aspects that need attention as well.
Read More..Dream about surgery on eyes
Dream about Surgery On Eyes hints your need to release and channel your emotions. You have misjudged the solid foundation that you are on. You are expressing some regret. The dream is an evidence for your heritage and your roots. You may be reaching an important decision in your life.
Read More..Dream about getting heart surgery
Dream about Getting Heart Surgery signifies unity, completeness, acceptance or agreement. You are moving ahead in life on your own terms. You feel you are self-destructing. This dream symbolises your winning spirit. It is time to address all the feelings you have suppressed.
Read More..Dream about surgery on abdomen
Dream about Surgery On Abdomen is a harbinger for mistrust and insecurities. It is time to collect the benefits and rewards that you’ve worked so hard for. There is something that needs your immediate attention. Your dream stands for something very personal to you. Your ongoing relationship has moved toward a more serious phase.
Read More..Dream about surgery on breast
Dream about Surgery On Breast is a message for your life commitments. You have to tell the truth about a situation. A relationship, your job, or a situation is sucking the life and energy out of you. The dream is a sign for how you feel about yourself and your family. You feel that you are undeserving.
Read More..Dream about nose surgery
Dream about Nose Surgery points at something that is in store for you. You are in control of your life. You may be bottling up your emotions. This dream suggests an unwavering loyalty. A recent experience and heartbreak may have hardened you.
Read More..Dream about having eye surgery
Dream about Having Eye Surgery is an omen for sturdiness. You are having a claim to something. You feel unsupported by those around you. This dream points at your idealistic notions of what a leader should be. It is okay to be silly sometimes.
Read More..Dream about needing heart surgery
Dream about Needing Heart Surgery points to a lesson or advice that you need to take with you when you wake up. You need to give serious attention to the direction you are heading in your personal and business life. You feel that you are being rammed by a situation or decision. Your dream points to some emotional turmoil. You are seeking acclaim and recognition.
Read More..Dream about having stomach surgery
Dream about Having Stomach Surgery expresses overt emotions and raw emotional desires. You have laid the groundwork for your success. You are ready to move to a new stage of your life. The dream is a hint for guidance, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reassurance. You are the object of much admiration.
Read More..Dream about kidney surgery
Dream about Kidney Surgery is a signal for flashes of ingenuity. You may need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential. You are ready to explore new things that life has to offer. Your dream is an indication for a powerful or tough woman. You need to allow yourself more freedom to do something.
Read More..Dream about surgery on leg
Dream about Surgery On Leg is an indication for freedom from restrictions. You are afraid of the truth. You feel that an important aspect of your life is over. This dream indicates your magnetic personality. You have crossed some boundary.
Read More..Dream about having surgery
Dream about Having Surgery symbolises an end to your journey. Your strong reputation will remain intact. Something in your life is out of balance. This dream states your ability to navigate through life’s twists and turns. There is a way for your subconscious to get you to pay attention to an important aspect of the dream.
Read More..Dream about surgery on brain
Dream about Surgery On Brain is a sign for the way you move and walk through life, either with grace and poise, or the lack of. You feel special and privileged. You are preserving your ideas and energy so that you can access them later. The dream is a symbol for disorder and chaos in your life. You are trying to or you have overcome a great struggle.
Read More..Dream about dying in surgery
Dream about Dying In Surgery states the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. Some new project is in the works. Some important fact or truth is being made aware to you through someone. Your dream is your lifestyle. You need to keep your life in order.
Read More..Dream about emergency surgery
Dream about Emergency Surgery is an omen for dependability, truth and dedication. You are envisioning success and accomplishing your goals. You are feeling inhibited, but desire to be more outgoing and energetic. Your dream is a sign for the impact you have on others and the mark that you are leaving behind. You are coming to terms with certain feelings.
Read More..Dream about leg surgery
Dream about Leg Surgery is a harbinger for cockiness, cleverness, or independence. There are secrets that a person knows about and you are trying to keep those secrets from coming out. You make the best out of every situation. Your dream suggests how you have full control of your emotions. You have something to offer to others.
Read More..Dream about stomach surgery
Dream about Stomach Surgery is a sign for sentimentality and nostalgia. You are hungry. You need to address some hurting feelings in order to properly heal. This dream is an end to a love relationship. You need a fresh, new perspective on some issue.
Read More..Dream about surgery
Dream about Surgery denotes worldly issues. Perhaps you need to cut back on your spending or adhere to a budget. You are feeling awkward or out of place in some situation or relationship. This dream is about your objectivity in a situation. Perhaps you are reaching beyond your abilities.
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