40 Planet Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 40 Planet Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about planets and stars
Dream about Planets And Stars denotes important information that you are about to receive. You are interconnected with the world. You are expanding your knowledge and understanding. Your dream is an omen for an inner battle between your own ideals and values and between the ideals and values of others. Emotional issues are trivial to you.
Read More..Dream about purple planet
Dream about Purple Planet signifies the importance of teamwork and cooperation in order to achieve the goals in your life. You are experiencing great satisfaction and freedom in your life. There is a weakness in your way of thinking. This dream is an indication for transformation, immortality and renewal. You are exuding a lot of confidence.
Read More..Dream about alien planet
Dream about Alien Planet is an omen for self-betrayal of your subconscious. You may need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential. Life is passing you by if you do not jump in and participate in it. This dream points to emotional intimacy. It is time to let it go and let love in.
Read More..Dream about planet crashing into earth
Dream about Planet Crashing Into Earth is a premonition for your mind or your body. You will overcome your current struggles. You need to take a break from your daily life. Your dream is an indication for revitalization, regeneration and renewal. You will find success through hard work and diligence.
Read More..Dream about planet earth
Dream about Planet Earth is a harbinger for a return to your true Self and acceptance of who you are. You need to reach out to others and offer your help. You need to keep up the good work. The dream is a hint for inner healing. You are expressing a desire to escape.
Read More..Dream about life on other planets
Dream about Life On Other Planets is a clue for disloyalty in some area of your life. You want to be acknowledged and awarded for your efforts and positive actions. Something major is happening in your life that you need to prepare for it. Your dream is an evidence for a psychologist and your need to consult one. You have power to control the direction and path of your own life.
Read More..Dream about planet jupiter
Dream about Planet Jupiter refers to your potential. You are living it up. Perhaps you have put your own goals on hold. Your dream is a signal for your talents and your ability to communicate with others. Hard work and manual labor will eventually get you to where you need.
Read More..Dream about planets crashing
Dream about Planets Crashing is about your ability to retain what is valuable to you. You need to give your family some space. You need to keep going! The dream is a symbol for you sense of community and cooperation. You need to balance your objectivity with your personal feelings.
Read More..Dream about seeing planets in the sky
Dream about Seeing Planets In The Sky points to your openness and how you communicate with others. You need to address some hurting feelings in order to properly heal. You are having difficulties expressing your thoughts and ideas. Your dream states long lasting beauty and enduring elegance. It is time to reinvent yourself and get a fresh outlook in life.
Read More..Dream about visiting another planet
Dream about Visiting Another Planet represents some important emotional matter or valuable insight. You still see them as young and dependent. You are impressionable and easily influenced. Your dream is an evidence for your cultural ties and ancestral links. You are undergoing a permanent transformation.
Read More..Dream about falling planets
Dream about Falling Planets is an indication for honor. You need to pay attention to those around you. It is time to address all the feelings you have suppressed. This dream is an evidence for fertility, growth and emotional maturity. Your creative abilities are still latent.
Read More..Dream about being on a different planet
Dream about Being On A Different Planet is a harbinger for new beginnings and ideas. You are on a quest for a new understanding of your true Self. You are ready to make a major change in your life. Your dream is a message for thoughtfulness, remembrance and nobility of the mind. You are able to separate emotions and love.
Read More..Dream about being planets
Dream about Being Planets means a new birth and big changes in your life. There is something that you need to pay closer attention to. You are walking through a new phase of life. Your dream is an indication for being present and here. You are a loner by choice.
Read More..Dream about visiting other planets
Dream about Visiting Other Planets is an evidence for emotions that are dragging you and weighing you down. You may be a slave to your job, to your family, to some habit, or to some obsession. You are refusing to let your creativity emerge from beneath the surface. This dream is a premonition for your prim and proper behavior. You are the voice of dissension and are going against the popular opinion.
Read More..Dream about planets and space
Dream about Planets And Space is a message for your body and the way that you are moving about through life. There is a disconnect between your action and your belief system. There is something that you have overlooked and need to pay closer attention. The dream points to wealth, power and luxury. You are ashamed about some past secret coming back to haunt you.
Read More..Dream about planet
Dream about Planet is an omen for some advice and message that your subconscious is trying to convey. You feel everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business. You need to trust in your own metal powers. The dream is a premonition for death, darkness and the subconscious. You need to be more vocal and voice your ideas.
Read More..Dream about planet exploding
Dream about Planet Exploding points at devotion, spiritual beliefs and life’s sweet rewards. You will win over an argument. You want to start anew. Your dream means the strength of your faith and spirituality. You are showering someone with gifts or love.
Read More..Dream about moving to another planet
Dream about Moving To Another Planet states aggression, energy and impulsiveness. You are currently going through a hard time in your life and experiencing tremendous stress, which is almost immobilizing you. You need to be more lively and energetic. This dream means the path between heaven and earth. You have your guard up.
Read More..Dream about planets falling from the sky
Dream about Planets Falling From The Sky refers to a spiritual gift. You are ready to move forward into a new phase in your life. You have something to hide. Your dream is a premonition for a visitation of a spirit or a communication from your subconscious. You are independent.
Read More..Dream about red planet
Dream about Red Planet is sometimes your creative energy. You are feeling used and manipulated. You are refusing to take responsibility for your actions. The dream refers to some spiritual significance for you and thus represents the father, son and holy spirit. You need to incorporate, adapt and synthesis various aspects of yourself in order to achieve success and harmony in your life.
Read More..Dream about different planet
Dream about Different Planet is a premonition for integrity. You are feeling exhausted and you need to give a break. You are giving up on something that you had once believed. The dream is an evidence for your real life relationship with a person and how you feel about him/her. You need to associate yourself with energetic people.
Read More..Dream about planets in sky
Dream about Planets In Sky signals great abundance, freedom and happiness. You are willing to work hard and follow directions. You that you need to be more daring. The dream is a sign for an urgency in some matter. You are taking an active role in the way your life is going.
Read More..Dream about giant planets
Dream about Giant Planets is a symbol for a time of healing and discipline. Perhaps you are drawing it out of proportions. You need to express your creativity. Your dream is an evidence for renewal and clarity. You are taking advantage of some situation.
Read More..Dream about planet mars
Dream about Planet Mars is an evidence for luck, success and fortune. You need to confront those old memories and past issues. You are experiencing some communication issues. This dream is a clue for unrequited love. You are pushing your feelings back inside, rather than expressing them.
Read More..Dream about going to another planet
Dream about Going To Another Planet is a harbinger for emotional and spiritual fulfillment. You are impressionable and easily influenced. You are devouring something. This dream is a symbol for wisdom, faithfulness, longevity and loyalty. You need to try to accomplish your goals in a more direct manner.
Read More..Dream about moon and planets
Dream about Moon And Planets is an evidence for strength, power, endurance, virility and emotional prowess. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. This dream stands for humanity and protection. You are visualizing success of your talent.
Read More..Dream about planet hitting earth
Dream about Planet Hitting Earth indicates a powerful or tough woman. You are mourning. You need to come to terms with the changes in your life. This dream is an indication for passion, joy and bliss. You are showing your devotion to your beliefs.
Read More..Dream about planets collide
Dream about Planets Collide is the archetypal dream helper who is offering you insight and advice. A situation or relationship has made you feel helpless. You have uncovered some hidden talent and ability within yourself. This dream hints your desires for intimacy and closeness. Perhaps, you are feeling threatened in some way.
Read More..Dream about planets falling
Dream about Planets Falling refers to renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. Your anger is out of control and it is affecting those around you. You have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics. The dream refers to knowledge, intellect, information and wisdom. You have your emotions in check.
Read More..Dream about seeing planet earth
Dream about Seeing Planet Earth is a message for your ability to bounce back from some physical setbacks. You are experiencing an outburst of positive emotions. You literally feel that you are carrying the weight of others. Your dream is a premonition for renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. You are feeling unclean about a situation.
Read More..Dream about seeing planets
Dream about Seeing Planets is a portent for something that may appear ordinary on the outside but can be extraordinary inside. You are feeling empowered and undefeatable. You are experiencing some heartache. This dream states power, size and strength. You will experience some complications in your professional life.
Read More..Dream about stars and planets
Dream about Stars And Planets is a harbinger for great harmony and heightened awareness toward some situation. A promotion is in your future. You are experiencing a reawakening. Your dream means your passion about a goal. Perhaps it is time that you make the first move.
Read More..Dream about seeing planets and stars
Dream about Seeing Planets And Stars indicates much festivity and fanfare. A relationship, your job, or a situation is sucking the life and energy out of you. You have a handle on your emotions. The dream symbolises power, strength and flexibility. You are refusing to face the consequences of your actions.
Read More..Dream about space and planets
Dream about Space And Planets hints permanence and longevity. You are just going with the flow. You will overcome the difficulties you are experiencing in your current life. This dream is a message for success in your projects and endeavors. You may be inviting love toward your direction.
Read More..Dream about traveling to another planet
Dream about Traveling To Another Planet is a message for your laid back and easy going attitude. You are feeling threatened or overlooked. You need to add a little joy and spice to your life. Your dream denotes you passive aggressiveness. You feel a huge weight has been lifted.
Read More..Dream about blue planet
Dream about Blue Planet points at the early stage of a new project or new relationship in your life. Your sense of morality and character are in conflict. What you thought was difficult at first is going to be worth your while. The dream is a sign for love, longevity and domestic bliss. You need an uplift to your spirit.
Read More..Dream about an unseen planet
Dream about An Unseen Planet is an omen for your own personal history. You prefer the simpler things in life. There is something that you need help to unlock or uncover. Your dream is a signal for an emotional breakthrough. You feel that you are standing in solid ground.
Read More..Dream about planet venus
Dream about Planet Venus signifies rebirth and rejuvenation. You are seeking warmth and comfort. A person can help you in your current situation. The dream suggests a degradation of your physical and psychological being. You are pushing the limits.
Read More..Dream about living on another planet
Dream about Living On Another Planet is an indication for a past memory. You are feeling important and needed. You have an inflated sense of power. Your dream is sometimes purification. You are opening yourself up to new experiences and insights.
Read More..Dream about jupiter planet
Dream about Jupiter Planet stands for a new level. There is help when you need it. There is a smooth road ahead for you. The dream is a premonition for relaxation and recuperation. You still have a lot to learn in life.
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