Dream about suicide bombing
Dream about Suicide Bombing is an indication for an urgency in some matter. Whether or not you feel you have what it takes for the task at hand. You are feeling let down. This dream is a clue for your inner strength and fortitude that you have yet to unleash and reveal to others. You need to develop new friends and new ties.
Suicide Bombing suggests your condition and status in life. You are refusing to accept some repressed aspect of yourself. You feel that you are in a precarious position at work or in some group project. This dream is a message for emotions and sensuality. You are currently going through a hard time in your life and experiencing tremendous stress, which is almost immobilizing you.
Suicide in your dream signals your actual concerns about a relationship or your desires to have children. You are being particularly sarcastic. You need to be careful not to get carried away by your emotions. The dream is a sign for your need to lessen something in your life. You are being toasted or intoxicated.
Suicide in this dream is a sign for your dependency on a person. You need to let go your negative thoughts and start expressing your emotions. You need to start thinking outside the box and reshape the way you see things. Your dream states your feelings of being taken advantaged or that you are messing things up. You are feeling unfairly treated.
Bombing in dream is a symbol for tension or excitability. You are hiding behind a facade, instead of confronting the things that are bothering you. You are reluctant to share your innermost thoughts and fully express who you are. Your dream is a portent for some saddening and depressing matter. You need to focus on more joyous moments. You are rejecting an idea or emotion.
Bombing dream is a hint for infidelity. You are well nurtured and well care for. You have a tendency to emotionally distance yourself and remain objective about the situations you are faced with. This dream refers to missed opportunities. You are having difficulties in sensing your emotional and psychological world.
Dream about both “Suicide” and “Bombing” unfortunately draws attention to a fear of being trapped in some situation and not being able to get out of it. You are too trusting. You are being recognized for your abilities and talents. This dream points to the death of an old situation before the rebirth into a new stage. You or someone is lying and being dishonest.
Dream about suicide bombing expresses the masculine aspect of yourself. You are seeking attention. You need to learn to forgive yourself. This dream is a metaphor for spirituality, intuition, values and your sense of self-worth. You are feeling the emotional burden of a person.
Dream about bombing
Dream about Bombing expresses your ability to get others to agree with your ideas or beliefs. You need to protect your ideas. Sometimes you need to go against the system. The dream is an omen for the influence of peer pressure working against you. You need to slow down and map out a new plan.
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Dream about School Bombing expresses the goals you have achieved and for the recognition you have gained. You hold the power in your own hands. You need to pace yourself and take your time in moving toward your goals. The dream is about something that needs your attention. You are content with where you are in a situation or relationship.
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Dream about Being In A Bombing means wholeness and global consciousness. You are well-grounded and supported by those around you. You are a very composed, together person. Your dream is a clue for your fun-loving personality and open-minded perspectives on life. Sometimes you have to go along with the masses in order to maintain the peace.
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