Dream about spreading fire
Dream about Spreading Fire is an indication for your appreciation for the little things in life. It is time to let go of the past and recognize the value of the future. You are crossing a someone’s boundaries. The dream indicates a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self. You want a friend who you can share your feelings with, who you can be open with and who you can talk to about anything.
Spreading Fire is about loss or a fear of losing a loved one. You need to draw from within in order to move forward. You will be surrounded by children. The dream is a signal for your personality, your character and your inner sense of well being. You are acknowledging your need for help.
Spreading dream hints the untamed and uncivilized aspects of yourself. You may be forced to confront issues which you have been avoiding. Perhaps you are dealing with some aspects of society or politics. This dream points to your casual attitude about making some decision. You need to learn to forget or forgive.
Spreading in this dream symbolises feelings of insecurity or doubt. You need to trust your gut feeling and intuition. Your primal desires and repressed emotional urges are coming to the surface and needing to be satisfied. The dream draws attention to aspects of yourself that you fear. You are wishing for a more simplified life.
Fire in dream suggests a cry for help from somebody in your life. You may have come to terms with old ideals or past demons. Perhaps you do not want to see what is ahead for you or you are afraid to confront certain issues. This dream is about stinging remarks or hurtful comments. Perhaps you need to recapture and re-acknowledge some past aspects.
Fire dream means a focal point and learn to balance your choices. You need to approach some issue from a new direction. You need to be more vocal and work harder to get your point across. Your dream denotes someone who is behaving crazily. You need to incorporate aspects of the opposite gender into your own character.
Dream about both “Spreading” and “Fire” is unfortunately an alert for a relationship that is going sour. You need to change your old habits and take charge of the situation. There is a situation that you are seeking clarification. Your dream unfortunately draws attention to balance or lack of balance in your life. There is some problem that you need to patch up or some emotional wound that you need to bandage up.
Dream about spreading fire is a metaphor for the important role you play in the overall big picture. You are speaking your mind and letting your voice be heard. You need to raise your goals. The dream is an indication for nurturance ease and comfort. You feel others can read your mind or see right through you.
Dream about spreading salt
Dream about Spreading Salt denotes your ambition and the determination to achieve your goals. You are one who is willing to take risks. You are afraid of the truth. The dream states harmony in your domestic life. You have overcome the negativity in your life.
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