Dream about small figurines
Dream about Small Figurines is about prosperity and satisfaction with the current state of your life. You feel that you are never good enough. You are putting up an emotional wall or barrier between you and others around you. This dream is an evidence for fertility, sensuality, gluttony or vitality. You have let your success and ego distance you from others.
Small Figurines is an evidence for opportunities that are readily available to you. You need to be more daring and try something new and different. You fear confrontation. Your dream represents your deep spiritual growth and progress. You are seeking praise and attention from others.
Small in your dream is a hint for someone who can’t take criticism. You need to exercise care in some fragile situation. You are trying to hide or blend into the background. This dream draws attention to a harmonious situation. You are ready for change.
Small in this dream is a message for someone who is untrustworthy or slick. You need emotional nurturance. You need to learn to be more free and open. The dream signifies control over your emotions. Perhaps the newness and uncertainty of a discovery makes you a little more cautious.
Figurine in dream is a symbol for your flexibility and adaptability to any situation. You need to change your attitude and your way of thinking. You need to stop and think about what you are doing. This dream is a message for your carefulness and your cautious attitude. You are suppressing too much of your feelings that it is affecting your well-being.
Figurine dream stands for your belief that everything revolves around you. You need to trust in your own metal powers. You may be feeling undervalued or under appreciated. This dream refers to a transitional phase of self exploration. You are trying to escape from life’s problems instead of confronting them.
Dream about both “Small” and “Figurine” is unfortunately regrets, past hurts or what ifs. You need to stop being in denial. You feel that your hopes and dreams have been shattered. This dream is sadly a warning for abundance, plentitude, fertility and prosperity. You are not being recognized for your work.
Dream about small figurines denotes light heartedness and pleasure. You are looking ahead to the future. You are emotionally well balanced. This dream is a message for unfaithfulness. You need to pay more attention to what people are telling you and conveying to you.
Dream about elephant figurine
Dream about Elephant Figurine signifies your present stage of life. You are carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders. There is something that you are trying to cover up or hide. This dream is an omen for great strength, courage, aggression and power. You have laid out a solid groundwork for success.
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Dream about Figurines is an evidence for the rational and mental processes. You may be running away from a primal urge or fear. You are not alone in the world. The dream is resurrection, reincarnation and fertility. You need to change your attitude and your way of thinking.
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Dream about Broken Figurines is a symbol for the impacts others are making on your life. You need to take control of your life. You are concerned about your diet or weight. The dream is about completion. You are clear on your feelings and are expressing them in a healthy manner.
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