Dream about sharpen a pencil
Dream about Sharpen A Pencil points at your sense of wisdom and intellect. Someone is mocking you. You are moving through life in a confident manner. Your dream is about a particular aspect of yourself or a specific relationship. You are letting opportunities pass you by.
Sharpen A Pencil is a sign for clarity to a situation. It is time to let go. You are overwhelmed with pressure. The dream is an evidence for your ability to explore and delve into your subconscious. Something that was originally emotionally comforting is now giving you much stress.
Sharpen dream signifies repressed anger, frustrations and annoyances. You need to have more cautious in your behaviors to others. You may be forced to confront issues which you have been avoiding. The dream states issues with your self-image and how you portray yourself to the outside world. You need to act with deliberate action and precision.
Sharpen in this dream indicates your overly competitive and aggressive nature. You are holding onto an earlier part of yoru life where you felt more depended on and more needed. You do not like to dwell on your emotions. Your dream points to the young, the helpless or the under-developed. You may be suffering from some emotional or psychological clutter.
Pencil in dream points at an upper class attitude. You need to determine if you have what it takes to achieve your goals. You need some distance and time to yourself in order concentrate on your own needs. This dream is a hint for hidden treasures and riches. You are being overly lackadaisical about a situation or problem.
Pencil dream indicates a conflict between your primal urges and your rational mind. You need to smooth over some rough spots in your situation or relationship. Although what you may be experiencing is destructive or difficult, it will work out to be a good thing in the long run. Your dream is a signal for the obstacles in your life. You are goal-oriented and plan for the future.
Dream about both “Sharpen” and “Pencil” is sadly a warning for a wish to have a current situation or relationship remain the same as it is now. There is some issue that you need to handle with care. You need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. The dream is a message for evil, anger and negative feelings. You are trying to avoid confrontation and arguments.
Dream about sharpen a pencil is a metaphor for self-sacrifice. Something major is happening in your life that you need to prepare for it. You need to ask for help in order to be able to move forward in some situation. Your dream hints your feelings and your ability to control your emotions. You are experiencing a reawakening.
Dream about pencil case
Dream about Pencil Case denotes repression of your personal and physical desires. If you visualize success, then you will achieve success. You dare someone to do something. Your dream indicates anxiety about your emotional prowess. You need to express your emotions more freely and openly, instead of keeping it all inside.
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Dream about Colouring Pencils is a metaphor for your emotional urges and physical desires. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient. You are returning to what is familiar to you. This dream denotes your return to an aspect of yourself that is innocent and spiritual. You want to amount to something in your life.
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Dream about Pencil is sometimes your raw emotions or immoral behaviors. You need to be leery of people who want to help you. You need to be more self-disciplined. This dream refers to a negative force. You are on the wrong life path and need to alter your course.
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Dream about Pencil Box is a portent for freedom, openness and opportunities. Perhaps, your relationship is awakening some of issues. You are lowering yourself and your standards. Your dream denotes the social aspects of your life and your sense of belonging. You have a positive perspective on life and in where you are headed.
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Dream about Eating Pencils states an aspect of the past that still lingers with you. You are feeling unprepared. You need to assert yourself and make your presence known. This dream is a symbol for the female aspect of yourself that is mysterious, vulnerable and secretive. You feel at ease.
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Dream about Coloured Pencils refers to your relationships and the desires for unconditional love. You are creating your own opportunities. You are being part of the group. The dream refers to bachelorhood. You are close to bringing your feelings to the surface.
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Dream about Pencil Shavings denotes unity, togetherness, respect and family. You are trying to bring joy and positivity to those around you. You are taking advantage of others. The dream signals ideas that you are finally putting to use. You are experiencing some intense feelings.
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Dream about Mechanical Pencil refers to your anxieties about your ability and performance. You need to take advantage and draw insight from your consciousness. You are careful in how you choose your words. This dream expresses a project that you are passionate about. You will overcome the difficulties you are experiencing in your current life.
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Dream about Eye Pencil states to emotional matters and issues about love. You still need to piece together your thoughts and emotions. You are feeling undesirable or unwomanly. This dream means passion in your own personal relationship. There is an important message that you need to convey and let others know.
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Dream about Being Stabbed With A Pencil is a metaphor for rebirth and rejuvenation. You are withdrawing from daily life and distancing yourself from others. A dark cloud will hover over you. Your dream denotes some unexplored or untried experiences. You are living in your own reality.
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Dream about Drawing Pencil means your core values and beliefs. You are feeling emotionally stressed and anxious. Perhaps you are struggling to find answers to some fundamental question or you are seeking the truth to something. Your dream represents the imagination and the link between the conscious and subconscious. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind.
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