Dream about seeing shiva lingam
Dream about Seeing Shiva Lingam refers to hope. You display much confidence in your abilities. You internalize your emotions and keep things inside. Your dream is sometimes your self-sacrifice and generosity. You are feeling apprehensive about something.
See in your dream indicates your instincts and urges. Someone is questioning your character and harming your reputation. You need to tend to the needs of others instead of pursuing your own self-pleasures. This dream suggests your flirty tendencies. You are experiencing some inner conflict and turmoil.
Shiva dream is a hint for your leisurely pursuits. Perhaps you are wanting to go back to a simpler time where you were cared for and did not have to worry about anything. Perhaps you are overly analytical. Your dream is a message for your primal emotional desire. You are looking for intimacy or emotional fulfillment.
Lingam dream is a harbinger for grief, sorrow and regrets. You need to explore all your options no matter how strange or illogical it may be. Perhaps there is someone who you need to reach out to. The dream symbolises someone in your life who is sly and sneaky. You need to stand up for yourself in some situation.
Dream About Seeing Shiva is an indication for being happy and carefree. You are experiencing a loss of power and effectiveness. You are experiencing fleeting pleasures and unsteady finances. The dream points at your life partner or soul mate. You need to be grounded and realistic.
Dream About Seeing Lingam states foolishness and ignorance. You feel that you are being bullied or dominated by some powerful source. You are surrounded by friends and family. This dream points at fertility and the womb. You hold the key to unlocking your inner feelings and emotions.
Shiva and Lingam signals the energies that you are investing into a project. Perhaps you have misbehaved to somebody and are expressing your regrets. You are suppressing your emotions. This dream is a harbinger for a reminder that you will eventually get to where you need. Your actions are disconnected from your emotions and conscience.
Dream about Seeing Shiva Lingam means your quest for knowledge and understanding. You will overcome your obstacles through ingenuity and determination. Perhaps there is something that you are refusing to see and acknowledge. This dream denotes your ability to rise above any situation. You are feeling disconnected from life and society and want to make a fresh start.
Sometimes, dream about seeing shiva lingam is a clue for something or someone who is old and shriveled. Perhaps you are dwelling too much on minor flaws, faults and other small issues. You are lacking creativity. This dream is a clue for an awkward, dull or socially inept person. You may be distancing yourself from your emotions and analyzing them from an objective standpoint.
Dream about lord shiva lingam
Dream about Lord Shiva Lingam is a harbinger for idleness. You are seeking spiritual nourishment or just conversation. There is something in your life that you need to replace or get rid of. Your dream is about your free and independent spirit. You are sidetracked from your goals due to your domestic duties and communal responsibilities.
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Dream about Lingam In Water states a person in your life who you need to reconnect with. You are feeling empowered and unhindered. Things will happen if you set your mind to it. This dream hints your growing mistrust of others. Many people around you may be telling you what you want to hear and not necessarily what you need to hear.
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Dream about White Lingam symbolises your individual ideas and thoughts. You need help in some situation or matter. Something that was originally emotionally comforting is now giving you much stress. Your dream is a metaphor for mystery, secrecy and protection. An unexpected obstacle is causing a major setback toward your goals.
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Dream about Seeing Lingam signals new beginnings, rebirth and longevity. Youn need to try and steer back in the right direction. You will have problems and issues from those beneath you or dependent upon you. The dream is a premonition for a controlling relationship. You are feeling the financial burden.
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Dream about White Shiva Lingam is sometimes shyness and reservation, especially in social situations. A new idea is forming or a new project is taking shape. You are feeling empowered and confident about your abilities. This dream is about your ambition. You need to take a deep breath and face up to the challenge.
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