Dream about purring cat

Dream about Purring Cat is a harbinger for virility and combativeness. You just need to take it easy for a while. Help will come from someone whom you least expect. The dream is about a powerful or tough woman. You are refusing to acknowledge or accept certain qualities of your friend.
Purring Cat is a metaphor for a spiritual cleansing. You are questioning your abilities. You may be reaching an important decision in your life. This dream signals an emotional rebirth. Your happiness will be short-lived.
Purr dream refers to some anger issues. Somebody is trying to help you resolve the some issue at hand. You may also be afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation. The dream stands for a fear of reliving your childhood. You need to consider things from a wider perspective.
Purr in this dream refers to a sticky situation or how you need to stick-up for yourself and your beliefs. You are looking to escape from your daily problems. You need to be cautious of your surroundings and be on alert for rivals meant to do you harm. This dream is a clue for the subconscious and the negative aspect of the Self. Your feelings are being overlooked.
Cat in dream means control over your life. You are being devoured. Perhaps you are being put in charge of something but can’t exercise your power. This dream is issues about your health. You need to protect your ideas.
Cat dream is an evidence for your introverted personality. You need to assess some hidden information within your subconscious. You or someone is up to some trick. Your dream is a harbinger for the masculine and active attributes. You need to organize certain aspects of your life.
Dream about both “Purr” and “Cat” signifies the targets you are reaching for and the goals you are setting for yourself. You or someone is trying to manipulate reality. You are dwelling on the past too much. This dream points to your tendency to control or manipulate someone or some situation. You are feeling forced to do something that you don’t really feel like doing.
Dream about purring cat points to your emotional balance. There is something nagging at your conscience. A loved one was taken before their time and you never got a chance to say a proper good bye. This dream is strength, power, endurance, virility and emotional prowess. You are worried about your well being.

Dream about cat purring
Dream about Cat Purring indicates the things that you are carrying around with you. You will achieve great success. You are surrounded by beauty. Your dream suggests the womb and nurturance. Your immediate attention to a particular situation or relationship is crucial.
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