Dream about ninja star

Dream about ninja star

Dream about Ninja Star points at courage and your gutsiness. Seemingly small beginnings will have the greatest potential for growth. You are recognizing certain unexpressed energy, particularly issues dealing with fear, aggression, etc. This dream points at longevity, creativity, romance, joy and spirituality. You have a sense of entitlement to certain things.

Ninja Star is a harbinger for knowledge or contemplation. You are being submerged in your own emotions. You are on a quick downward slide. Your dream refers to the end of a cycle or condition. You need to look to the future.

Ninja in your dream hints resurrection, reincarnation and fertility. Your desire to escape from reality and retreat into some fantasy world. Perhaps you are acting too irrationally. Your dream is a clue for your uncontrolled emotions. You are coming to terms with some problem or issue that you have been at odds at for a long time.

Ninja in this dream is a reserved attitude toward a situation. Something you are doing is questionable. You are in self-denial. The dream symbolises industry and hard work. Perhaps you have an immature attitude towards life.

Star in dream expresses your feelings/anxieties about your a death. You are second guessing or over-thinking your choices. You need to monitor or keep track of a situation, issue or problem. The dream is a premonition for a hostile situation/person you are encountering in your life. You need to apply a lesson to a current issue, problem or relationship.

Star dream is a message for aspects of yourself. You are feeling isolated of left out in some situation. You never know what you will find if you get pass the exterior appearances. Your dream hints how you process or handle your emotions. You are headed nowhere.

Dream about both “Ninja” and “Star” is a message for unforeseen circumstances might hinder your desires and wishes. You or someone in your life has an inflated ego and need to be taught a lesson. You are lacking a certain quality of a person you are working with and need to incorporate that quality within your own self. Your dream points at someone in your life who is lazy, slow or gentle. You are not willing to leave the past behind.

Dream about ninja star is a hint for your worries about your health. A relationship, your job, or a situation is sucking the life and energy out of you. You are infringing on another’s copyright. This dream is a hint for the human soul, inner beauty, perfection, purity and chastity. You are learning to express your feelings.

Dream about ninja

Dream about ninja

Dream about Ninja signifies subconscious feelings toward a person. You are closing yourself off from others. You are upset at a person, but are not expressing your anger in an appropriate manner. This dream is a sign for the union of masculine or feminine aspects of yourself. You need to let down your guard.

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Dream about being chased by ninjas

Dream about being chased by ninjas

Dream about Being Chased By Ninjas refers to dissent and disagreements. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer. You are becoming like your mother. Your dream symbolises your tenacity, persistence and ability to drive a hard bargain. You are seeking some spiritual or emotional nourishment.

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Dream about fighting ninjas

Dream about fighting ninjas

Dream about Fighting Ninjas expresses some important information that is about to be made known to you. You are still feeling sore and resentful about some situation or relationship. You have a clear perspective on things. The dream is an indication for mistrust. You are feeling uprooted.

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Dream about being a ninja

Dream about being a ninja

Dream about Being A Ninja is a premonition for your need for contact and communication. Perhaps you are overly confident in your abilities. Something in your life is moving to an another level. This dream expresses your striking performance and stellar ability. Perhaps you to be more understanding about a situation or event.

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