Dream about football goal
Dream about Football Goal is a message for the bossy or authoritative side of your own personality. It is time to be honest. You are feeling uninhibited and free. This dream represents greed and temptation. Our goals in life have changed.
Football Goal is a premonition for luxury, elegance and sophistication. You are showing restraint and control over your emotions. You are ready to go through life with a fresh new outlook and attitude. The dream is about your honesty and genuineness, especially in your personal relationships. You are taking major steps toward some goal.
Football in your dream suggests an authority figure or guardian who keeps you in check. You may be dealing with issues of creativity and self-expression. You may be feeling at home or settled at your new job or environment. Your dream signifies a rebellious attitude. You are being overly judgmental of others or of some situation.
Football in this dream is an indication for your ability to get others to agree with your ideas or beliefs. Perhaps you are being too narrow-minded. You are feeling unfairly treated. The dream points at your ideologies and beliefs. You need to expand your horizons or experience a new sense of spirituality.
Goal in dream is a sign for chaos and disagreements. You need to pay more attention to your intuition and to your emotional side. You need to be more giving. Your dream is a message for an extension of your own self that you are projecting. Some person or situation is violating an aspect of your life.
Goal dream is a clue for permanence, materialism and stability. Maybe you are being too idealistic and things. You are avoiding some issue, responsibility or situation that is causing you emotional distress. The dream is a harbinger for a part of yourself that has died. You are letting down your guard.
Dream about both “Football” and “Goal” points at your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto an animal. You may be in a rut and are tired of the same daily monotony. You are piecing together aspects of yourself and acknowledging those previously rejected parts. The dream is an evidence for your limited resources. Someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence.
Dream about football goal expresses your fears of losing something that is important to you. Something is hindering your progress and preventing you from moving forward in your life. You are taking a step back and looking carefully at the facts. This dream is a portent for family disharmony and broken ties. You are expressing some connection to someone.
Dream about scoring a goal in a football match
Dream about Scoring A Goal In A Football Match points to joyous occasions and happiness. You are looking for specific qualities as represented by a person. Some spiritual cleansing is needed. This dream is about a new outlook toward life. You are expressing a desire to escape from your daily responsibilities.
Read More..Dream about playing football and scoring
Dream about Playing Football And Scoring is sometimes your ability to control your emotions and keep them in line. You are ready to share an aspect of yourself. Feel emotionally attacked. The dream is about a positive attitude and high self-confidence. You are on your way to achieving your goals.
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Dream about Watching Football On Tv is a metaphor for growth, self-love and self-appreciation. You are feeling exposed. You are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities. This dream is an evidence for sincere praises. You have an understanding about those around you.
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Dream about American Football is hat you are looking for advice and for some direction in your life. You need to cool off. You need to strengthen your ties and relationships with others. The dream is a premonition for your current infatuation with someone that you loved. You are making a temporary impact in a situation.
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Dream about Seeing A Football Field is a hint for your confidence in your abilities. You need to accept some decision. You are refusing to face your fears. Your dream is a signal for your ability to trust others. You are opening up yourself to a new level of spirituality or consciousness.
Read More..Dream about seeing football
Dream about Seeing Football is a hint for eternity and magic. You keep your attitudes and behavior in check. Sometimes you can’t see what is going on, but you still sense it. This dream is a metaphor for balance and moderation. You may be experiencing some anxieties and stress in your domestic life.
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Dream about Famous Football Player is a hint for suppressed feelings that you have yet to express to boyfriend/girlfriend. Something is eating you up inside. There is an important message that you need to convey. This dream is a hint for your intellect and your desire to have more influence and power over others. Big changes are ahead for you.
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Dream about Playing American Football denotes vitality and renewal. You are able to separate emotions and love. You are well in tune with the opposite gender. Your dream is sometimes merriment, fun and childhood joys. You are giving up some of your power.
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Dream about Football Stadium suggests virility, longevity and life. You are feeling invigorated and inspired by the possibilities that are out there for you. You are descending into the realm of subconscious. The dream points at growth, development and nurturance. You want to start anew.
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Dream about Football Shoes hints radiant energy and divine power. You are feeling anxious. You are exploring aspect of yourself in order to become more whole. Your dream suggests some situation or something that is moving slowly. You will be surrounded by children.
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Dream about Football Match represents strong ties/bonds and fair dealings. It is time to relax. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer. This dream symbolises joy and positivity. After much patience and hard work, you will succeed in your professional and personal life.
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