Dream about eating cardboard

Dream about eating cardboard

Dream about Eating Cardboard is a sign for your own personal history. You are learning from past experiences. Something or someone is pulling you in opposite directions. This dream is a message for something familiar yet different. You are utilizing your instinctual nature.

Eating Cardboard is a harbinger for your path toward achieving inner peace and finding your spirituality. You are expressing a desire to escape from your daily responsibilities and demands. Your compulsions and habits are working against you. This dream is about some memory or event. Something is affecting your mood and attitude.

Eating in your dream refers to a cleansing of your outer and inner self. You are unprepared for some task at hand. You will be disgraced or embarrassed in some way. The dream points at clinginess and dependency issues. You need to learn to cherish the smaller things in life.

Eating in this dream stands for yours subconscious desires for bigger achivements. There is something you need to mark-down or remember. You are trying to get to the root of some issue. Your dream is an indication for repressed anger and rage at that person or towards a particular condition. You need to be leery of people who want to help you.

Cardboard in dream signifies your goals, aspirations and hopes. Perhaps you need to attack your problems from a different approach. You are trying to move on to the next phase or stage without accomplishing all the necessary steps. This dream is a sign for feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. You need to look at the overall picture instead of just at pieces of it in order to get the whole story.

Cardboard dream is a harbinger for your clouded way of thinking. Perhaps you haven’t come to terms with why somebody that is important to you passed away. There is some issue in your life that you need to straighten. Your dream is your anxieties about your daily problems. You are acknowledging your negative emotions.

Dream about both “Eating” and “Cardboard” represents an impersonal relationship in your life. You need to acknowledge and express these feelings, even though it may be shameful. You may feel that your opinions and suggestions don’t matter or are being ignored. This dream is a hint for your fears and the negative consequences of your actions. You are lacking self confidence.

Dream about eating cardboard suggests your imagination and creative mind. Your current life path will lead to fulfillment of your needs and realization of your goals. You need more discipline in your life. Your dream indicates the way you move and walk through life, either with grace and poise, or the lack of. You are ready to use the hidden abilities you have locked up inside you.

Dream about cardboard

Dream about cardboard

Dream about Cardboard indicates some codependent relationship. You are suffering from an identity crisis. You need to be careful not to overindulge in too many excesses. The dream is a clue for regret in something you did. Perhaps you have made a decision that is not sitting well with you or that you are doubting.

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Dream about cardboard box

Dream about cardboard box

Dream about Cardboard Box denotes innocence, playfulness, festivities, frivolity and girliness. You want a person to open up to you. You are being overcome with emotions and are in over your head regarding some situation. Your dream is a symbol for a significant and meaningful aspect of yourself. Sometimes you need the support of those around you to help you achieve your goals.

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Dream about dali cardboard

Dream about dali cardboard

Dream about Dali Cardboard points at commitment. You are feeling powerless in some situation. You are doing your best and making the best out of a situation. This dream is a premonition for culture, sophistication and grace. You need to focus your attention to something that you have placed on the back burner.

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Dream about a cardboard house

Dream about a cardboard house

Dream about A Cardboard House means your persuasiveness and spontaneity. Perhaps you prefer solitude. You are chasing and seeking fame. Your dream is a hint for success and prominence. You are allowing others to control you.

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