Dream about custard apple
Dream about Custard Apple signals success in your projects and endeavors. You are being completely surprised. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about an issue. Your dream denotes untrustworthiness. You are able to find your way through some dark and troubling problem.
Custard Apple is a sign for industry and modernity. You need to be more compassionate and sympathetic to her or him. You are experiencing a new sense of freedom and calm. Your dream is a harbinger for your wild inner character and emotional desires. You are looking for a strong foundation and some stability.
Custard in your dream points to a situation where you are caught off guard. There is something that you are not expressing to each other. You are having difficulties contacting to others. The dream means your patriotism and devotion to country. Someone in your life is in need of love and acceptance.
Custard in this dream suggests someone who is terminally ill or your own fears of death. You are trying to take back something you said. You are completely engrossed or submerged in some situation, relationship or task. Your dream is about the young, the helpless or the under-developed. You are no longer in control of your life.
Apple in dream draws attention to your own drive and leadership abilities. You are expressing your anger towards someone. You are getting mixed-up about something. This dream denotes hidden danger. You feel that your advanced position is a precarious one.
Apple dream points at repressed thoughts and feelings. Perhaps you are undertaking some business endeavor or venture where a lot of money is at stake. You are having difficulties conveying your thoughts. The dream signals someone who is being an badd. It is time to tend to your own needs.
Dream about both “Custard” and “Apple” refers to an aspect of yourself that has been neglected or ignored. You are not letting something or someone get in your way of your goals. Your life is going out of control. Your dream is an omen for burning passion or some expressed anger. You are repressing or denying a vital aspect of your expression.
Dream about custard apple is an omen for nurturance, passivity, caring nature and love. You are being confronted with a broad issue that affects those around you. You are feeling restricted. Your dream suggests a mental or spiritual perspective. You are looking for a new job.
Dream about custard
Dream about Custard represents intimacy and a union of the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. You need to manage your time better and plot out your goals in a more deliberate manner. You are uneasy about some situation in your life. The dream hints your anxiety about an actual problem that you are having. You need to pay attention to or focus on some goal or urgent matter.
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Dream about Eating Custard Apple is a premonition for your mind and its flowing thoughts. You are working on finding yourself and in getting to the core of things. You want to be in the spotlight. The dream represents being part of something exclusive. You need to recognize that potential and unleash it.
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Dream about Eating Custard means peace, harmony and profitable business ventures. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. Light is being shed on a situation or relationship. Your dream hints a new life, spiritual guidance and liberation. You are feeling overwhelmed, shocked and disappointed.
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Dream about Making Custard is a metaphor for harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship in your life. You are trying to or you have overcome a great struggle. You have something to prove to others. Your dream is a metaphor for compassion. Somebody pushes you ahead and motivates you to continue on toward your goals.
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Dream about Custard Apple Tree is strength and endurance. You feel that you are in a precarious position at work or in some group project. You will win out in some argument, battle or negotiation. This dream is a hint for the jolly occasion. You are acknowledging and embracing other’s physical differences.
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Dream about Being In Custard is about mistrust and insecurities. You have a zest for life. Things are going smoothly for you. This dream stands for childhood and your carefree nature. You have come to a place of solace and comfort.
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