Dream about court judge

Dream about court judge

Dream about Court Judge is a premonition for a heavy load that you are carrying around. You have a desire to retreat from the stresses of the real world. You are refusing help from others. The dream is a symbol for your creative energy. You have clarity on some nagging problem or issue.

Court Judge is a sign for new light and knowledge. It is time to put your energies to good use. You are exploring your options. The dream is a harbinger for a rising level of understanding, awareness or success. You clearly express your feelings to others.

Court in your dream hints upon your real life and how you are watching life pass you by, instead of participating in it. You are all work and no play. You need to try a new interest or pick up a hobby. This dream is an indication for a situation or relationship that you need to soothe over. You need to cherish your time spent with friends.

Court in this dream hints of emotional or relationship problems. You are ready to incorporate a new and unknown component into your life. You need to rekindle old friendships and to call up an old friend that you haven’t heard from in awhile. Your dream is a hint for some sort of deception. You are looking for that hidden talent and potential within yourself.

Judge in dream indicates a situation in your life where you were stuck. You are not able to face the nastiness. You are offering or giving too much to others. Your dream states a quest for harmony in your life. Perhaps you need to let go of the past and stop holding on to what was and concentrate on what is.

Judge dream represents your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally. You are trying to change or rewrite the past in order to suit your own needs. You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. This dream refers to your maternal ties. You may be repressing your desires.

Dream about both “Court” and “Judge” points to your attempts to cover up your own character flaws and habits. There is a situation in your life that is making you want to blend into the background and not get noticed. You need to proceed carefully and weigh all the pros and cons of your decisions. The dream is unfortunately a warning signal for the frustration of having a one-sided conversation. You are not completely committed to your current relationship.

Dream about court judge is a message for a frugal but happy way of life. Your goals will take a lot of hard work to accomplish. You are feeling mortified. Your dream is sometimes fame, wealth, good health and love. You are fair and show good judgment.

Dream about courting someone

Dream about courting someone

Dream about Courting Someone denotes your eccentric thinking. You are moving rapidly through life with tremendous ease and determination. You are visualizing success or envisioning a positive future. The dream suggests your determination and dedication. You have a strong support system.

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Dream about being served court papers

Dream about being served court papers

Dream about Being Served Court Papers is an indication for new beginnings, renewal of life and energy and fulfillment of your goals and purpose. You have power and control over the path or destinations of others. You need to take advantage of certain opportunities while it is still available. The dream represents intelligence, cunningness, deception and cleverness. You are aware of your surroundings and of the people around you.

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Dream about being courted

Dream about being courted

Dream about Being Courted is a symbol for the things that you treasure and hold dear to your heart. You are slowly and safely exploring your inner feelings and emotions. Big things often start small. The dream signals independent needs. Perhaps, you should put the issues aside so you can clear your head and come back to it later.

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Dream about court case

Dream about court case

Dream about Court Case is a sign for something new that you are learning about someone. There is an important message that you need to convey and let others know. You will achieve your goals through perseverance and hard work. The dream suggests technology, information and modern life. There is an important message that your subconscious is trying to convey.

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Dream about tennis court

Dream about tennis court

Dream about Tennis Court denotes a team effort. You are creating or directing new found energies to some aspect of your life. You need to keep your mouth shut about something. This dream is a sign for nobility, pride, fierceness, freedom, superiority, courage and powerful intellectual ability. You will overcome some difficulties.

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Dream about food court

Dream about food court

Dream about Food Court symbolises your family line, generations and tradition, as well as innocence and purity. You should write more. You may be taking the relationship to a new level and direction. The dream is a premonition for your subconscious. You are expressing some connection to someone.

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Dream about court papers

Dream about court papers

Dream about Court Papers denotes flashes of ingenuity. Things will happen if you set your mind to it. Sometimes you have to go with the flow instead of fighting it. This dream is a metaphor for authority, power and control. You need to be more sympathetic to others.

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Dream about a guy courting me

Dream about a guy courting me

Dream about A Guy Courting Me refers to a true hero and hope. You still have a lot of learning to do and knowledge to gain. Sometimes you have to go with the flow instead of fighting it. Your dream signifies a team effort. You are regressing back into your subconscious.

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Dream about a man courting me

Dream about a man courting me

Dream about A Man Courting Me is a clue for your ability to create and to manipulate the external world. You are feeling at ease. You are rising above a situation. The dream is a signal for your position of prominence and distinction. You are feeling defensive about something.

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Dream about someone in court

Dream about someone in court

Dream about Someone In Court stands for human kindness, wholesomeness and compassion. You feel connected to your family. You have a high sense of self worth. This dream is a signal for your vengeful or devious thoughts. You need to lighten up and enjoy the experience.

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