Dream about alcohol

Dream about alcohol

Dream about Alcohol is a sign for abundance and hospitality. You need to learn to see things from someone else’s perspective and expand your awareness. Light has been shed on something that was once confusing. This dream refers to your feelings of superiority over others. You are distracted from going after your own goals.

Alcohol states your desire to recapture or relive a certain moment in your life. You need to be more focused on your tasks or goals. You tend to go along with the ideas of others without question and hesitation. This dream is an indication for unrealized hopes. You are committing some indiscretion.

Dream about Alcohol [a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent] is a metaphor for some deception or big lie. You need to recognize your spiritual needs. Don’t be so black and white about everything. This dream is a hint for immortality and eternal life. You need to act quickly or else others will take advantage of the situation.

Dream about Alcohol [any of a series of volatile hydroxyl compounds that are made from hydrocarbons by distillation] points at support and protection. Something or someone is holding back your success. You tend to worry about what people think of you. This dream is the positives and negatives of a situation. You may feel threatened or vulnerable when you express yourself.

Dream about seeing someone drinking alcohol

Dream about seeing someone drinking alcohol

Dream about Seeing Someone Drinking Alcohol is an indication for an addictive relationship or habit in your life. You have a good handle of a situation. Someone that you loved and respected in your life may reveal self-confidence and the assertive aspect of yourself. The dream means nurturance, protection and unconditional love. You are reassessing your view and outlook on life.

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Dream about drinking alcohol after quitting

Dream about drinking alcohol after quitting

Dream about Drinking Alcohol After Quitting is a sign for truth and justice. You are being overwhelmed by some repressed feeling or subconscious material that is rising up to the surface. You are looking for a break from your emotional journey. This dream is a clue for your self-sacrifice and generosity. You are feeling alienated and alone.

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Dream about being pregnant and drinking alcohol

Dream about being pregnant and drinking alcohol

Dream about Being Pregnant And Drinking Alcohol suggests a new start. You have an elevated sense of self. You are taking on a new project which will require your creativity. The dream signifies your desires to feel a connection with a person or with some aspect of yourself. Carefully plot out your goals so you can move ahead in life.

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Dream about drinking alcohol while pregnant

Dream about drinking alcohol while pregnant

Dream about Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant is a symbol for spiritual or physical renewal and forgiveness. You are seeking the truth. You are experiencing extra vigor, vitality and energy in your life. This dream indicates an emotional or intimate connection with a person. You are taking more than you give.

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Dream about being given alcohol

Dream about being given alcohol

Dream about Being Given Alcohol states your connection and relationship to others. You have unknowingly exposed certain private matters, due to your carelessness and neglect. It is time to change some vital part of your life in order to feel fully alive and whole again. This dream is a portent for lust and emotions. You are seeking emotional freedom.

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Dream about buying alcohol

Dream about buying alcohol

Dream about Buying Alcohol signifies your faith and optimism about the future. Through perseverance and dedication, you will reap the benefits and rewards of your hard work. You are looking for something. Your dream is a signal for a rapid climb to success. You are satisfied with how things are going.

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Dream about having alcohol

Dream about having alcohol

Dream about Having Alcohol refers to your creative energy and passion. You are taking a different life path then you had planned. You feel misunderstood or mistreated by your family. Your dream is a sign for your professional mobility. You have control of your own fate and destiny.

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Dream about selling alcohol

Dream about selling alcohol

Dream about Selling Alcohol stands for dependability and security. You are doing exactly what you want to do in life. You are surrounded by strong relationships and solid friendships. This dream expresses your feelings about a person who is important and significant to you. You need to savor the moment and enjoy it.

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Dream about seeing alcohol

Dream about seeing alcohol

Dream about Seeing Alcohol is a sign for your sweet, angelic quality. You feel that all eyes are on you. You can make a change. This dream points to passion and heated emotions. Your mindlessness have put you in harm’s way.

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Dream about making alcohol

Dream about making alcohol

Dream about Making Alcohol is sometimes the importance of cooperation and teamwork. You are proud of your social life and personal endeavors. Perhaps you are feeling self-conscious about specific gender roles. Your dream represents something you are unwilling to confront. Your dream may be telling you to be more alert and to express yourself more clearly.

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