Dream about a bird flapping its wings
Dream about A Bird Flapping Its Wings points to love, friendship, ambition or pleasure in your life. You are going back and forth in some situation or decision. You have the right attitude toward life. The dream is about royalty and your social status in life. You may also be feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges.
Bird in your dream is a signal for your carelessness and inconsideration of someone’s feelings. You want others to take note of your actions. You need to be on guard and on the defensive. The dream is a premonition for death, old age or an ending of something. You need to be careful with your conduct.
Flap in your dream is a metaphor for the level of burden or responsibility you are feeling. You are living under limited means. You need to quickly clean up your past issues before you can move forward with your life. This dream represents someone who is dear to you. You need to conserve your energy.
Wing in this dream hints something that needs to be documented or recorded. Your reaction to something is being blown out of proportion. You are in conflict with your subconscious. This dream points to someone you trust and can rely on. You need to adapt a more carefree attitude.
Bird and Flap represents celebration, joy and youth, especially if there are children playing inside it. You always aim high at whatever you do. You are ashamed about something. The dream points at some female in your life. It is okay to seek the support in order to help you get through a difficult time.
Dream About Bird Wings is a clue for the passing of time and past events. You have an extremely high sense of self worth. You need to warm up to others and soften your nature. This dream is sometimes some precious or delicate matter. There is help when you need it.
Dream About Flapping Wings signals hope, pride and possibilities. You are rejecting someone who is showing interest in you. You need to develop new friends and new ties. The dream denotes the human psyche and soul. You are a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your vulnerabilities and feelings.
Dream about A Bird Flapping Its Wings is a symbol for independence and freedom to do what you want. You are acknowledging your need for help. You are coming face to face with some inner or worldly issue. This dream states grace, speed and agility. Perhaps you are showing your delicate and feminize side.
Sometimes, dream about a bird flapping its wings is unfortunately a warning signal for the death of an old situation before the rebirth into a new stage. You are trying to gain a better perspective on some issue. Your emotions are threatening to come crashing through. Your dream is unfortunately a warning for two opposing viewpoints or conflicting opinions. You need to cool off and not let your temper get out of hand.
Dream about flapping arms and flying
Dream about Flapping Arms And Flying points to spiritual power and control. You are afraid to confront the unknown aspects of yourself. You need to be more affectionate in your life. This dream points to long lasting beauty and enduring elegance. You are undergoing some great distress.
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Dream about Flapping Wings is a signal for abundance, wealth, fertility, growth and happiness. You feel that you are going above and beyond your expectations. You need to try and compromise aspects of yourself in order to make the relationship comfortable and satisfying for both. Your dream is a message for your own self worth. You are needless complicating a simple issue.
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Dream about Flying Flapping Arms suggests your energy or competitive nature. You are reassessing your view and outlook on life. You are liberating an aspect of yourself that you have been suppressing or that you have previously not expressed. Your dream is a symbol for joy, contentment and happiness. Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone who reminds you of your own father, mother or other family member.
Read More..Dream about a flapping bird
Dream about A Flapping Bird is an evidence for your commitment on a set course. There is something in your life that you need to cut out. It is time to let go of the past and move on. Your dream is a clue for your shy nature. You will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field.
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