15 Lens Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 15 Lens Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about oversized contact lenses
Dream about Oversized Contact Lenses symbolises happiness and harmony. You are surrounded by close friends who you can rely on and who will uplift you in your time of need. You are looking to explore a different aspect of yourself. The dream signals self-acceptance, as well as self-love. You feel connected to your family.
Read More..Dream about giant contact lenses
Dream about Giant Contact Lenses signals your sense of belonging and pride. You are overwhelmed with life’s challenges and feel like you need to be a super hero in order to handle it all. You need to work on your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. This dream refers to hospitality. You are rushing into things.
Read More..Dream about blue contact lenses
Dream about Blue Contact Lenses symbolises your intuition and inner realizations. You need to start looking within yourself and trust your instincts. Success will come as a result of your determination. The dream stands for tenderness, purity of love and early romance. You will overcome your present circumstance.
Read More..Dream about big contact lenses
Dream about Big Contact Lenses means innovation. Your subconscious mind is hungering for knowledge or information. Life is passing you by if you do not jump in and participate in it. Your dream points at your desire to wipe everything clean and make a fresh new start. You will experience a surge in energy and vitality.
Read More..Dream about contact lens
Dream about Contact Lens is an indication for your drive and ambition. You may feel alienated by society. You still see them as young and dependent. Your dream is a harbinger for vulnerability and naivete. You are feeling frisky or playful.
Read More..Dream about multiple contact lenses
Dream about Multiple Contact Lenses is a clue for good health. You are exhibiting caution in what you share about yourself. Some new project is in the works. This dream is a symbol for your identity, body image and your self-esteem. You are on a spiritual quest.
Read More..Dream about large contact lenses
Dream about Large Contact Lenses symbolises your own personal principles. Perhaps you are longing for more romance in your personal relationship. You are showering someone with gifts or love. This dream is about a powerful or tough woman. You need to come to terms with the changes in your life.
Read More..Dream about removing contact lenses
Dream about Removing Contact Lenses means emotional fulfillment. You are adapting well to a current situation. You need to take advantage of life’s pleasures. Your dream is a hint for a significant change in the relationship. You are bringing or making an offering.
Read More..Dream about wearing contact lens
Dream about Wearing Contact Lens is a portent for vitality, health and prestige. You are reclaiming your independence and power. You are receptive to new ideas. The dream is a portent for the struggles and challenges you have experienced and overcame in your life. You are questioning your abilities.
Read More..Dream about camera lens
Dream about Camera Lens expresses advancement up the social ladder. You are revealing your true self. You want to cut loose and go wild. The dream is a sign for your idea of beauty. Your repressed thoughts and subconscious materials are slowly coming to the surface and making its presence known.
Read More..Dream about lenses
Dream about Lenses suggests some overt emotional issue or need. You are coyly making your emotional feelings known. You are dealing with some emotional situation or issue in your life that needs to be handled with care. The dream indicates plentitude and abundance. You have issues of control and the desire to know the unknown.
Read More..Dream about broken lens
Dream about Broken Lens points at harmony and glorification of the human spirit. You are striving for goals that seem beyond your reach. Perhaps you are overlooking something. This dream hints some special occasion. You have a solid relationship and strong support system.
Read More..Dream about putting contact lenses
Dream about Putting Contact Lenses indicates the path and direction of your life. You must let go of the past in order to move forward with your life. You have clarity in some situation or problem. Your dream is a harbinger for your power and influence over others. You may be entering into a new relationship, either on a friendship level or romantic level.
Read More..Dream about huge contact lenses
Dream about Huge Contact Lenses is an omen for spiritual development, potential, growth and transformation. You are living in your own reality. You are pursuing a new path or goal. The dream points to fear of being exposed. You are free of any worries and focused on a life of ease.
Read More..Dream about lens falling out of glasses
Dream about Lens Falling Out Of Glasses denotes your open-mindedness and quest for knowledge. You are in control of your own emotions and passions. You are going with the flow. The dream is a clue for protection, heaven and divinity. Sometimes you need the support of those around you to help you achieve your goals.
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