50 Land Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Land Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about a land my soul is from
Dream about A Land My Soul Is From is a hint for gentleness, fragility and delicate beauty. You are undergoing a significant change in your life. You will have prominence in some field. This dream denotes your ideal, hopes, potential and the youthful part of yourself. You will overcome some challenges in your life.
Read More..Dream about jumping and landing
Dream about Jumping And Landing is fear of what is ahead for you. You may be taking the relationship to a new level and direction. You need to pay close attention to something that you are overlooking in your life. This dream is a sign for your renewed religious faith and commitment. You are feeling rejuvenated and reenergized.
Read More..Dream about the first age lands of creation
Dream about The First Age Lands Of Creation is a hint for something you need to pay attention to and acknowledge. You feel you are above other people. You are regressing into your subconscious. The dream states overspending. You are learning something new about yourself.
Read More..Dream about a land in which life should be better
Dream about A Land In Which Life Should Be Better is a barrier, secret or feeling that you are putting up. You have made a decision about a matter. You need to keep your mouth shut about something. This dream is sometimes the introspective aspect of yourself. You may be headed into a pitfall.
Read More..Dream about falling and landing
Dream about Falling And Landing signifies your receptiveness and willingness to accept new ideas/concepts. You are taking self defense. You feel your emotions are being undermined and cut-down. This dream points to your own sense of spirituality. You are feeling unprotected by some lurking danger.
Read More..Dream about dry land
Dream about Dry Land is a symbol for some burden in your life. You are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions. You are a person that can get things done. The dream indicates your tenacity and work ethic. You are ready to confront life’s challenges and life’s twists and turns.
Read More..Dream about green land
Dream about Green Land is a clue for the end of a cycle or condition. You are emotionally frigid. You will overcome life’s obstacles and adversities. The dream is a metaphor for your acute awareness to your surroundings and to those around you. You are neglecting your responsibilities, talents, or some issue.
Read More..Dream about seeing land
Dream about Seeing Land indicates the flow of emotions. You need to develop closer ties and relationships. You are reflecting on the progress of your goals. The dream stands for unwanted ideas, thoughts or memories. You are making a resolution.
Read More..Dream about swimming on land
Dream about Swimming On Land is a premonition for confidence in your abilities and belief in yourself. You can be both powerful and gentle. Your mind is easily swayed. This dream is a message for your own personal associations with your country. You have encountered an obstacle in some aspect of your life.
Read More..Dream about buying a plot of land
Dream about Buying A Plot Of Land is your shy nature. You are jealous of another person. You are being modest or conservative about some aspect of your life. Your dream is a hint for your subconscious and your emotional state of mind. You are refusing to recognize your feminine power.
Read More..Dream about buying a piece of land
Dream about Buying A Piece Of Land suggests there is something that you need to document or remember. You will be irked by some deceitful person. You are being overwhelmed by some repressed feeling or subconscious material that is rising up to the surface. This dream points to an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You will see an improvement to your financial situation.
Read More..Dream about empty land
Dream about Empty Land points at issues of the heart. With time and patience, you will make steady progress. It may take perseverance and time before you see progress. This dream points to your understanding of your subconscious and its motivation. You need to establish a new self-image.
Read More..Dream about big green land
Dream about Big Green Land represents positive growth. You are in horror over something. You are taking on something new and different. This dream symbolises new found freedom and independence. You are taking advantage of others.
Read More..Dream about jumping and landing on feet
Dream about Jumping And Landing On Feet is about something that is finally taking shape. There is a way for your subconscious to get you to pay attention to an important aspect of the dream. Sometimes you feel like you are just going with the flow. Your dream points to some domestic issue. It is a time to reflect on your situation and what is going on in your life.
Read More..Dream about plot of land
Dream about Plot Of Land denotes your deep spiritual growth and progress. You are acknowledging something that you have previously overlooked. You feel unsupported by those around you. Your dream is a sign for your well thought-out plans and ideas. You are emotionally overwhelmed.
Read More..Dream about foreign land
Dream about Foreign Land represents your drive to move forward and succeed in life. You are liberating an aspect of yourself that you have been suppressing or that you have previously not expressed. You are feeling empowered and able to overcome your obstacles and those who stand in your way. Your dream refers to your self and your belief system. You are going about life in a mechanical, methodical and rigid way.
Read More..Dream about buy land
Dream about Buy Land is an indication for the price you are paying in order to please others. You are getting caught with something. You are going through some sort of transformation and embracing your sensuality. This dream is a metaphor for a life of ease, comfort, warmth and of financial gains. You are seeking attention.
Read More..Dream about boat on dry land
Dream about Boat On Dry Land is a hint for a sense of freedom and lack of responsibilities and duties. Perhaps you feel that a higher power is always looking over you and judging your actions. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside. Your dream signals surprises, new experiences and adventures. You are seeking to bring joy into your life.
Read More..Dream about birds landing on your hand
Dream about Birds Landing On Your Hand suggests longevity and something that is leaving a lasting impression. You are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities. You need to be more aggressive with your new ideas. This dream is an evidence for mistrust. An important decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon.
Read More..Dream about lots of land
Dream about Lots Of Land represents sudden awareness of the power you hold. You are in a good place in your life right now. A decision has been made and you will work hard to accomplish it. The dream means your sensual side and intimate desires. You have accepted the rewards and recognition you are getting for our work.
Read More..Dream about vacant land
Dream about Vacant Land symbolises freedom, tranquility and renewal. You display much confidence in your abilities. You are experiencing a rebirth. This dream means devotion, spiritual beliefs and life’s sweet rewards. You need to look at things from a different angle.
Read More..Dream about trying to land a plane
Dream about Trying To Land A Plane is an indication for focusing in on what you are saying or thinking. You are content with the way things are going in your life. You are overwhelmed with a problem or issue. The dream points to your need to take a new approach toward some situation or relationship. You need to open your eyes and be more attentive to a situation or relationship.
Read More..Dream about selling land
Dream about Selling Land is a message for your physical body and the attention you give it. You have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics. You are headed on the right track in your dark times. The dream stands for your life commitments. It is time to overcome your depression.
Read More..Dream about fish on dry land
Dream about Fish On Dry Land is an evidence for repression of your personal and physical desires. You have crossed the line in some situation. Perhaps you are entering into a new relationship or a new phase in a relationship. This dream points at your ability to express your emotions. You are feeling neglected.
Read More..Dream about purchasing land
Dream about Purchasing Land is an evidence for untrustworthiness. Some issue or situation is burning you up inside. You are rejecting some aspect of society. The dream is an omen for longevity and stability. You are expanding your knowledge.
Read More..Dream about being in a strange land
Dream about Being In A Strange Land is an omen for your anxiety about some real life competition that you are involved in. You are feeling helpless in a situation. You are feeling disconnected with others. Your dream symbolises your desires for children. You are feeling alienated and alone.
Read More..Dream about driving a boat on land
Dream about Driving A Boat On Land suggests world peace, worldly issues and unity. You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. You need to develop closer ties and relationships. This dream suggests your need for discipline and direction in your life. You are making a spectacle of yourself, either in a positive or negative way.
Read More..Dream about landing a plane
Dream about Landing A Plane represents the attributes and things that you treasure and value. Things are going well for you. You have a handle on your emotions. This dream expresses disappointments in love. You are enjoying all your successes.
Read More..Dream about land
Dream about Land is about fears that you are not confronting in your life. You are getting carried away by your feelings. You are on the wrong life path and need to alter your course. The dream draws attention to your lack of power and freedom. You may need to exert some force and power to get your way and make things happen.
Read More..Dream about being in foreign land
Dream about Being In Foreign Land is a signal for your belief system. You are living life to the fullest. You are letting other people control you and take you in a direction that you do not really want to go. This dream is a harbinger for the things and aspects of yourself that you share and display to others. The intentions of a friend are pure and true.
Read More..Dream about falling and landing on feet
Dream about Falling And Landing On Feet is sometimes your need for emotional and physical healing. You have an opponent. Carefully plot out your goals so you can move ahead in life. This dream hints your quick thinking ability and keen wit. You are feeling connected so someone.
Read More..Dream about crocodile on land
Dream about Crocodile On Land stands for something that is beneath you. Light is being shed on a situation or relationship. You need to do some serious saving! This dream denotes your sensuality and femininity. Maybe there is something that you need to say.
Read More..Dream about sinking land
Dream about Sinking Land is you self-image and the way you feel about your body. You need to express more of your creative side. You are refusing to move onto a new stage of life. This dream is a metaphor for a budding new love that is blossoming in your life. You are trying to connect with a person on a spiritual or intellectual level.
Read More..Dream about a piece of land
Dream about A Piece Of Land is a sign for something that may appear ordinary on the outside but can be extraordinary inside. You need to draw on your energy for strength. You are experiencing something disturbing which is affecting your psyche and well-being. This dream is a hint for inner growth and development of the Self. You want to be different.
Read More..Dream about boat on land
Dream about Boat On Land is a signal for family connection, heritage and value. You are trying to combine different aspects of your life while keeping everyone happy at the same time. You feel that the livelihood of the relationship depends on you. This dream states your ability to take charge of a situation and command attention. You are making a spectacle of yourself, either in a positive or negative way.
Read More..Dream about distant lands
Dream about Distant Lands is an enormous sense of freedom from letting down your emotional wall. Perhaps someone has stolen your heart away. You need to reach out and touch someone. Your dream is a message for your quest for adventure and life experiences. You are spending too much time on pleasure and fruitless activities.
Read More..Dream about fish swimming on land
Dream about Fish Swimming On Land is a portent for something that is in need of repair. You are transitioning smoothly through life’s events. You are a highly sensitive person. Your dream indicates success and richness. You deserve a sweet reward for a job well done.
Read More..Dream about a magical land
Dream about A Magical Land is a message for a higher self. You are experiencing a rocky period in your life. You are about to enter a new phase in your life. Your dream represents new beginnings. You may be questioning your feelings about relationship, marriage, love and gender roles.
Read More..Dream about birds landing on me
Dream about Birds Landing On Me hints your wild inner character and emotional desires. There are things from your past experiences that you can still learn from. You are ready to move on from your ex. This dream denotes optimism. You are in deep contemplation about your own emotions or relationships.
Read More..Dream about big land
Dream about Big Land represents someone is more modern and a quiet yet immensely strong personality. You are feeling physically drained. You are getting a promotion at work. Your dream indicates commerce, vision, success and imagination. There is something that needs to be discussed.
Read More..Dream about strange land
Dream about Strange Land hints a spiritual message. You are feeling exposed or put on the spot. You are showing restraint and control over your emotions. Your dream signals an expression of deep passion and fire. You like who you are and are proud of the person you are becoming.
Read More..Dream about fish on land
Dream about Fish On Land is a symbol for sacredness and spiritual nourishment. Your emotions are erupting in an unexpected or violent way. You have something to prove to others. The dream is sometimes the positive things and sacrifices you have made in your life. You are guided by honor, structure and what is right.
Read More..Dream about digging land
Dream about Digging Land is a hint for love, beauty, protection and happiness. You are freely and openly exploring aspects of your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is hungering for knowledge or information. The dream is a portent for a return to your true Self and acceptance of who you are. You are trying to keep up appearances and act as if everything in your life is going smoothly.
Read More..Dream about green grass land
Dream about Green Grass Land signifies your understanding of your subconscious and its motivation. You have acknowledged your hidden potential. You will overcome your barriers. This dream signals enlightenment and understanding. Jealousy is preventing you from forming meaningful relationships.
Read More..Dream about butterflies landing on me
Dream about Butterflies Landing On Me is an indication for your communications with others. You have reached one of your highest goals or objectives. An unexpected incident will either provide you with joy or distress, depending on her attitude. Your dream denotes childhood, domestic joy and harmony. You are who you are.
Read More..Dream about bees landing on me
Dream about Bees Landing On Me is sometimes your openness and your receptiveness to new ideas and experiences. You feel that you are above her or him. You need to address some hurting feelings in order to properly heal. Your dream represents your desires to fully express your emotions. Something is passing you by.
Read More..Dream about vast land
Dream about Vast Land states the world around you and how it is paying close attention to your actions. You are starting a new phase in your life. Your achievements and accomplishments are attributed to your determination and drive. The dream is a message for strength, longevity, immortality, faithfulness, durability and fertility. You have encountered an obstacle in some aspect of your life.
Read More..Dream about shark on land
Dream about Shark On Land is an indication for the opportunities and possibilities within your grasp. You are seeking protection for your emotional well being. You feel conflicted about a decision and are stuck in the middle. Your dream is a premonition for your ability to calm others. Your opinion matters.
Read More..Dream about receiving land
Dream about Receiving Land signals creation, childbirth, fertility and new beginnings. You are in style or in fashion. You have overcome some obstacle. Your dream is a sign for the rat race that you are experiencing in your life. You are satisfied with how things are going.
Read More..Dream about getting land
Dream about Getting Land is a symbol for pleasant moods. You are plunging into something. You are looking at things from a spiritual viewpoint. The dream is an indication for guidance, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reassurance. You may be putting your work or ambition ahead of your loved ones.
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