50 Kitten Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Kitten Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about kitten scratching me
Dream about Kitten Scratching Me suggests independence, strength, death and renewal and resurrection. It is time to replenish your energy. Someone or some situation has a strong hold over you. This dream is a sign for protection and the need to feel protected. You are careful in how you choose your words.
Read More..Dream about kitten dying
Dream about Kitten Dying points to sincere praises. Some choice or gift comes with strings attached. You need to be more straightforward in your approach. This dream states self-renewal and your connection with your spirituality. You may be looking for domestic bliss, for peace or for some form of escape.
Read More..Dream about kitten drowning
Dream about Kitten Drowning indicates your level of confidence, your struggles and your aggressiveness. Seemingly small ideas and concepts can possess much potential and power. You will overcome your struggles. The dream is a symbol for the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. You have misspoken about some matter.
Read More..Dream about kitten running
Dream about Kitten Running is a hint for renewal, a new way of being, a new attitude toward life, or a new approach toward others. Your true nature will eventually be exposed. You need to be more in touch with nature and go back to a more basic and simpler life. The dream points to good company and long lasting friendship. You are expressing some powerful emotion which you have kept pent up inside.
Read More..Dream about kitten being born
Dream about Kitten Being Born suggests a fortunate change in your life. You need to take a broader view on your life and where it is headed. Your non-traditional path to success will make you stand out from the rest. The dream means the opportunities that are available to you in your life. You are laying out some new project or endeavor.
Read More..Dream about kitten crying
Dream about Kitten Crying denotes fertility, growth and emotional maturity. You need to take a new stance and have a fresh attitude toward life. You need to relax and take it easy. The dream is an indication for luxury. You are keeping your anger inside, instead of expressing it.
Read More..Dream about birth of kittens
Dream about Birth Of Kittens points to something that is beneath you. You may be reaching an important decision in your life. There is a way for you to cope with issues in your life. This dream is your ability to move and traverse through life with relative ease. You are expressing some concerns about your future.
Read More..Dream about cat giving birth to kittens
Dream about Cat Giving Birth To Kittens expresses insecurities about life. You are lying to yourself. You tend to keep your emotions inside. Your dream is a symbol for cleanliness, compassion and properness. It is time to confront these suppressed issues.
Read More..Dream about saving kittens from drowning
Dream about Saving Kittens From Drowning is sometimes your carefree nature and jovial disposition. You believe that you are being unfairly treated. A situation or decision is having a much longer lasting effect that you had expected. The dream states dissatisfaction with your current life. You are integrating aspects of the feminine and the masculine.
Read More..Dream about male cat having kittens
Dream about Male Cat Having Kittens represents emotional nurturance. You are expressing some emotional turmoil. You are unprepared in undertaking the project at hand. This dream signifies growth and fertility. You are seeking some advice on what you should do next.
Read More..Dream about kitten biting
Dream about Kitten Biting is a clue for your need to achieve and accomplish things through force and intimidation. You need to move toward a higher level of awareness and feeling. You are giving up on something that you had once believed. This dream stands for domesticity, ease, comfort and relaxation. Help for you is always around the corner.
Read More..Dream about kitten attacking
Dream about Kitten Attacking suggests aspects of your relationship with your close friends, including difficulties/support. You are refusing to acknowledging some truth or issue that is right in front on you. You are ready to accept and face reality. The dream refers to meditation and prayer. You are experiencing deep financial worries.
Read More..Dream about feeding kittens
Dream about Feeding Kittens is a clue for a powerful or tough woman. You have a different outlook on life and are moving toward a new direction in life. You may need to take some time to cleanse your mind and find internal peace. This dream states independence. You may be subscribing to society’s unattainable standards of beauty.
Read More..Dream about angry kitten
Dream about Angry Kitten states your own feelings and emotions. It is a new day and a new beginning. You are taking up a new hobby. This dream is a hint for your desires to make a difference in your community or society. Your subconscious thoughts may be coming onto the surface.
Read More..Dream about many black kittens
Dream about Many Black Kittens is a sign for warmth and togetherness. You are letting your emotions stop you have moving toward your goals. You need to be careful in what you write, as words can be a powerful tool. The dream is an omen for feminine power and aggression. Someone is mocking you or making fun on you.
Read More..Dream about red kitten
Dream about Red Kitten points at self-reflection and introspective into your subconscious. You are ready to accept love into your life. You are making a resolution. Your dream is a premonition for reinforcing your sense of responsibility. You are playing an important part in a project.
Read More..Dream about hurt kitten
Dream about Hurt Kitten is a hint for moral and ethical issues. You have a set goal and know what to aim for in life. You are in control of a situation. The dream is a symbol for some burden in your life. You have gained some insight and knowledge into an issue or situation.
Read More..Dream about small kitten
Dream about Small Kitten is a message for your ability to create and to manipulate the external world. You need to pay attention to those around you. You channel your emotions and are cautious in how you express them. Your dream is a portent for solace, security and peace of mind. Something is okay.
Read More..Dream about saving a kitten
Dream about Saving A Kitten is a sign for approval and validation of your actions. You are preying on others. You are starting or entering a new stage in your life. Your dream is a portent for your desire to be happy and to start a family. You are experiencing some setbacks.
Read More..Dream about pink kitten
Dream about Pink Kitten is an indication for happiness and tranquility in the home. You are reflecting back on your past and old memories. You are in control of your life. The dream is a signal for domestic bliss. You are surrounded by strong relationships and solid friendships.
Read More..Dream about a litter of black kittens
Dream about A Litter Of Black Kittens expresses unwanted ideas, thoughts or memories. You are carrying a heavy load. You are expressing great distress. This dream is about your high level of confidence. Something that you desire is being kept from you.
Read More..Dream about birds and kittens
Dream about Birds And Kittens means humility, coyness or innocence. You like to take charge of others and watch out for their best interest. You are making progress into your spiritual, emotional or material journey. Your dream is a metaphor for celebration and festivities. You are feeling alienated or unaccepted.
Read More..Dream about kitten
Dream about Kitten is a hint for an end to a habit, behavior or idea. You are seeking guidance during a difficult and tumultuous time. You need to let out your inhibitions and animalistic desires. The dream draws attention to anticipation or opportunity. Your need to forgive someone that is close to you.
Read More..Dream about orange kitten
Dream about Orange Kitten means your need to express more love and affection. You are open to rectifying current issues in order to move forward. It is time to move on and look toward the future. Your dream is a symbol for your solid character and leadership ability. Things have a way of catching up with you and you must deal with them or live with the consequences.
Read More..Dream about drowning kitten
Dream about Drowning Kitten is a metaphor for your love or family relationship and issues of trust. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You are being modest or conservative about some aspect of your life. The dream is a sign for an ending to a situation or aspect of yourself. You need to take some time out for pleasure and leisurely activity.
Read More..Dream about kittens and dogs
Dream about Kittens And Dogs is a harbinger for vitality and renewal. Somebody will deliver you some message or provide advice. You need to get out more and enjoy yourself. Your dream expresses the many different roles you have in your life. You are in tune with your spiritual powers.
Read More..Dream about fluffy kitten
Dream about Fluffy Kitten means satisfaction with how your life is going. You are filling a social void in your life. You are hungering for a new experience. This dream is a premonition for your approach to life. You are about to venture on an important life journey needed for your own personal growth.
Read More..Dream about dead kitten
Dream about Dead Kitten is about an aspect of yourself that is surfacing from the subconscious. You can overcome and conquer whatever obstacles may be in your way. There is something that needs your attention. Your dream refers to your goal and purpose in life. You are able to let loose and express your desires, passions and emotions.
Read More..Dream about little black kitten
Dream about Little Black Kitten is a symbol for relaxation and recuperation. You are experiencing a closer connection to a person. You need to go out into the larger world and experience life. This dream is a metaphor for your desires to escape from your daily burdens. Perhaps you feel that a higher power is always looking over you and judging your actions.
Read More..Dream about kittens black
Dream about Kittens Black is an indication for your connection with your Self and with nature. You are at ease. You are in touch with a higher plane and an elevated sense of spirituality. The dream expresses power honor, influence, pride and status. You feel accomplished in your goals and satisfied with your life.
Read More..Dream about killing a kitten
Dream about Killing A Kitten stands for some project that requires your creativity and imagination. You are feeling emotionally repressed. There is something that you need to let others know. The dream suggests a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major event. Certain secrets will be revealed to you.
Read More..Dream about kittens playing
Dream about Kittens Playing is a metaphor for the need to hold some situation or relationship together. You are being confronted with a broad issue that affects those around you. You may be trying to shut out loved ones. This dream means faith, hope and charity. You are in need of some peace and quiet.
Read More..Dream about a little white kitten
Dream about A Little White Kitten is an indication for loyalty and commitment to family. Your ability and knowledge is being called into question. You are unexpressive. This dream is an indication for personal development and growth. You are open to new ideas and easily influenced.
Read More..Dream about green kitten
Dream about Green Kitten indicates your self-worth and the qualities you value in yourself. You are lying about something or that you are being a hypocrite. Our goals in life have changed. The dream is a clue for the importance of your belief and opinions. You need a clear direction and focused goal.
Read More..Dream about lots of cats and kittens
Dream about Lots Of Cats And Kittens is a signal for a message from your subconscious that you need to listen to or follow. You have the gift of convincing people to see things your way. Some important information is being relayed to you in the dream. This dream is an evidence for your level of confidence and strength. Perhaps there is a lesson that you need to learn.
Read More..Dream about snake eating kitten
Dream about Snake Eating Kitten is a harbinger for your appreciation for the little things in life. You are going about life in a mechanical, methodical and rigid way. You are in a comfortable place in your life. Your dream is a clue for your path to spiritual enlightenment. You are in emotional turmoil.
Read More..Dream about newborn kittens
Dream about Newborn Kittens is a message for setbacks and misfortunes. Something that was previously hidden is now being revealed to you. You are feeling threatened or overlooked. The dream is an indication for your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You need to treat some situation or someone with care.
Read More..Dream about chasing a kitten
Dream about Chasing A Kitten is an urgent message from your subconscious. You are ready to confront your emotions and make the connection between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself. You are feeling anti-social. Your dream is a hint for freedom, tranquility and renewal. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control.
Read More..Dream about cat delivering kittens
Dream about Cat Delivering Kittens states your need to establish certain boundaries. You will experience some complications in your professional life. You are feeling unprepared about some situation. This dream is a harbinger for you competency, integrity, strengths and weaknesses. You are putting up a front.
Read More..Dream about black cat and kittens
Dream about Black Cat And Kittens stands for potential and power. You are more sensitive to your instincts and in how your perceive things. You are expressing some health concern. This dream is an omen for a form of healing. It takes time and effort to hone and improve your skill.
Read More..Dream about newborn white kittens
Dream about Newborn White Kittens is an indication for strength, protection and stability. You are able to learning from your past experiences and applying them to your current problems and situations. You are ready to move forward with your life and leave the past behind. This dream is a hint for a transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. You are overestimating the strength of something.
Read More..Dream about being bitten by a kitten
Dream about Being Bitten By A Kitten expresses a spark of some new idea. You may be bottling up your emotions. You are involved in a some sort of conflict. Your dream expresses the union of heaven and earth. You are hindering your own progress.
Read More..Dream about dogs and kittens
Dream about Dogs And Kittens points at the bonds and friendships that you made while you were in high school. You are experiencing a lowered self-esteem. You are making a hasty decision. Your dream states the way you view your working life. You are letting your bitter feelings and negative emotions get the best of you.
Read More..Dream about dog eating kitten
Dream about Dog Eating Kitten is an indication for some pressing issue that needs your immediate attention. You are questioning someone’s action. You internalize your emotions and keep things inside. This dream symbolises your childhood memories. You are rushing into things.
Read More..Dream about playful kitten
Dream about Playful Kitten is an evidence for your personality, your social self, your facade and how you portray yourself to others. Perhaps something is taking a emotional toll on you. You are experiencing balance and harmony. Your dream is a sign for hat you are looking for advice and for some direction in your life. You are one who is willing to take risks.
Read More..Dream about kittens and mice
Dream about Kittens And Mice is a clue for your resourcefulness and ingenuity. You are being completely surprised. Your ambition will take you far in life. This dream expresses your heart and its power. Perhaps you need to be on the alert for something that is headed your way.
Read More..Dream about buying kittens
Dream about Buying Kittens is a message for a huge change in your personal relationship. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. You are comfortable with confronting your feelings directly. The dream is a clue for a casual and carefree attitude. You are able to see beyond the surface and look at what is on the inside.
Read More..Dream about giving birth to kittens
Dream about Giving Birth To Kittens is a hint for your ability to receive love. You are alone with your ideas. Perhaps you are questioning the person you are becoming. This dream refers to some trust issues in your life. Someone is preventing you from knowing the truth.
Read More..Dream about litter of kittens
Dream about Litter Of Kittens indicates sensuality and harmony, especially in some relationship. Perhaps, you are feeling superior and are above some situation. You are finding more acceptable ways of expressing your emotional desires. The dream represents your struggle for power and empowerment. You are determined to make a fresh new start for yourself.
Read More..Dream about baby kitten
Dream about Baby Kitten is a portent for both your untamed, natural self and your pure, innocent side. You need to gain a more solid footing of a situation. You need to get all the facts and see the full picture before making a decision or taking action. Your dream indicates divine love. Something may be perfect for you.
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