50 Foot Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Foot Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about snake bite on left foot
Dream about Snake Bite On Left Foot states luck and chance. You have overstep your boundaries and into another’s rights. You are experiencing unhappiness and setbacks in your life. This dream suggests inner integration, resolution and harmony. There is something that you are trying to keep hidden.
Read More..Dream about snake bite on foot in hindi
Dream about Snake Bite On Foot In Hindi is a hint for your desires to have things run more smoothly. Now is the time to start a new venture. You have accomplished what you set out to do. The dream signifies feminine power and aggression. A situation or relationship has made you feel helpless.
Read More..Dream about broken glass in feet
Dream about Broken Glass In Feet is an indication for peace, longevity and health. You like to keep things moving along. You are idealizing a relationship. This dream expresses your emotional desires and your emotional appetite. Things will happen if you set your mind to it.
Read More..Dream about pulling things out of your feet
Dream about Pulling Things Out Of Your Feet suggests your issues with power and domination. You need to be more aware of your surroundings and appreciate the environment. You are experiencing some confrontation in your life. This dream is a portent for a give and take situation and the need to work together as a team. You are feeling unstable.
Read More..Dream about rotten foot
Dream about Rotten Foot indicates a distribution of power. You are exploring aspects of your emotions and subconscious. You are refusing to see something or perhaps you are hiding something. This dream points at your eagerness to tackle a challenge. You may need to discover the soul within your own self.
Read More..Dream about peeling dead skin off feet
Dream about Peeling Dead Skin Off Feet is a harbinger for satisfaction in some minor matters. You have reached a new level of maturity or spiritual enlightenment. You are covering up your true feelings. This dream means the feminine mystique, seduction, lust and allure. You need to lighten up and show your humorous side.
Read More..Dream about deformed feet
Dream about Deformed Feet is a portent for the self and the body. You may be trying to shut out loved ones. You are in a race. Your dream states raw male courage. You are underestimating your self worth.
Read More..Dream about black snake biting foot
Dream about Black Snake Biting Foot is a message for repressed desires of your own appearance and passion. You have made a decision about a matter. You feel you are talking to yourself. Your dream is a portent for sudden instability and upheaval in your life. You are worried about a problem or situation in your life.
Read More..Dream about feet fungus
Dream about Feet Fungus is a metaphor for emotional curiosity and your need for some sensual stimulation. You are in a good place in your life right now. You are overly confident in your future success. Your dream is a premonition for rebirth and rejuvenation. You are testing the limits or boundaries.
Read More..Dream about bugs on feet
Dream about Bugs On Feet is a symbol for your need for spiritual nourishment. Your strong and powerful character will lead you to great wealth and influence. You are reflecting back on your success. The dream signals your need to set goals and achieve them. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being.
Read More..Dream about amputated foot
Dream about Amputated Foot is a metaphor for mischief. You are underestimating your self worth. There is something you need to incorporate in your life. Your dream is an indication for commercialism, riches, or abundance. You may feel indebted to others.
Read More..Dream about big foot
Dream about Big Foot points to raw male courage. You are putting up some form of defense. You need to pay attention to those around you. This dream represents status, wealth, luxury and prestige. There is something important that you need to say and get out.
Read More..Dream about hair growing on bottom of feet
Dream about Hair Growing On Bottom Of Feet is a premonition for your progress. You will others to notice your accomplishment. You have yet to get over the relationship or you have yet to learn from the relationship. Your dream is an evidence for wisdom, insight and feminine power. You are making sure that you know exactly what you need to do.
Read More..Dream about someone feet bleeding
Dream about Someone Feet Bleeding expresses your intellect and your desire to have more influence and power over others. You have great self control and an ability to turn your emotions on and off at will. You are finally letting go of something. This dream is a portent for your own personal beliefs and religious experiences. You are making a drastic change in your life.
Read More..Dream about a baby with no hands or feet
Dream about A Baby With No Hands Or Feet is a premonition for a voice from your subconscious. Perhaps you are involved in a rebound relationship. Emotional issues are trivial to you. The dream is about vitality, health and prestige. You feel that you are never good enough.
Read More..Dream about snake bite right foot
Dream about Snake Bite Right Foot states a transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. You are open to acknowledging and confronting your subconscious feelings. You are living on borrowed-time. The dream is about excess and freedom of expression. You need to be more comfortable with your body.
Read More..Dream about being bitten by snake on foot
Dream about Being Bitten By Snake On Foot is sometimes success in your goals. You find yourself rooted at home most of the time and not being able to go out as much. You need to be more decisive and assertive. The dream is a symbol for your attraction and fascination for a person. You are experiencing some intense feelings.
Read More..Dream about bleeding feet
Dream about Bleeding Feet signifies some subconscious idea. You need to stand tall and be proud. You want to be admired and wanted. The dream denotes qualities and attributes within yourself that you are able to control. You need to respect your past and where you came from.
Read More..Dream about feet in water
Dream about Feet In Water is sometimes anxieties of changing your identity – that of a spouse. You will experience some complications in your professional life. Sometimes you can’t see what is going on, but you still sense it. The dream is an omen for some aspect of your own self. You need to draw on your inner strength.
Read More..Dream about wearing shoes on wrong feet
Dream about Wearing Shoes On Wrong Feet means protection and the need to feel protected. You are surrounded by close friends who you can rely on and who will uplift you in your time of need. You are in tune with your feelings. The dream is a symbol for the need to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. You are going about life in a mechanical, methodical and rigid way.
Read More..Dream about walking bear footed
Dream about Walking Bear Footed is an indication for playful attitudes and your childish ways. You are involved in some love affair. You need to approach life with more casual and live more freely. This dream indicates the finishing touches in your life that brings about fulfillment and completion. You are going against the masses and expressing your own personal freedom.
Read More..Dream about foot
Dream about Foot is a sign for your need for privacy. You may feel that time is running out in a business or personal matter. Perhaps you need to get moving on some decision or goal. Your dream symbolises your desires to be sheltered from the bitterness of reality. You are feeling stressed or burdened.
Read More..Dream about foot skin peeling
Dream about Foot Skin Peeling is a signal for cunningness and terror. You need to look at things from a different perspective and live life with some zest. You are expressing some regret in your actions. The dream hints passion and enthusiasm for life. You are feeling deprived.
Read More..Dream about left foot
Dream about Left Foot is an evidence for glamour. You are unprepared in undertaking the project at hand. You have to let go of the relationship that is holding you back. The dream is a premonition for your determination and dedication. You may be putting up a front instead of addressing the core matter at hand.
Read More..Dream about removing dead skin from feet
Dream about Removing Dead Skin From Feet hints a new life, spiritual guidance and liberation. You want to know the options that are available to you. You are broadening your horizons and view. Your dream is sometimes devotion and sense of community. Perhaps you are somewhat jealous.
Read More..Dream about snake bite left foot
Dream about Snake Bite Left Foot is an indication for something that you need to whip-up. You are in control of all aspects of your life. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer. Your dream is about a time in life where things may have been simpler. You will succeed in some task.
Read More..Dream about bottom of feet peeling
Dream about Bottom Of Feet Peeling represents the sun, light and happiness. You have difficulty enjoying the sweeter things in life. You have revealed or turned in a project that was incomplete. The dream signifies your potential. You need to clear your mind and free yourself of certain emotions that are weighing you down.
Read More..Dream about seeing baby feet in stomach
Dream about Seeing Baby Feet In Stomach stands for the importance of cooperation and teamwork. You are gaining a new perspective on things. You are displaying much strength and stability. Your dream is an evidence for your desires to fit in. You know how to express your emotions in a healthy way.
Read More..Dream about getting bite by a snake on the foot
Dream about Getting Bite By A Snake On The Foot stands for personal and cultural freedom. You are a pioneer. You are going with the flow of things without any objection or resistance. Your dream expresses your motivation and confidence in your ability. There is still more growing that you need to do.
Read More..Dream about white snake bite on foot
Dream about White Snake Bite On Foot points to purity, chastity and obedience. You are involved in some fast pace project. There is something that you need to put aside right now. Your dream hints rumours. You are getting to root of a matter or situation.
Read More..Dream about stabbed in foot
Dream about Stabbed In Foot means someone who is creative, generous, playful and authoritative. You are physically or emotionally disconnected from those around you. You may be questioning your job or your abilities. The dream refers to fear and distrust. You need to listen more.
Read More..Dream about seeing feet
Dream about Seeing Feet suggests light-heartedness, vitality and joy. You are in control of the various aspects of life. You have overcome the negativity in your life. The dream is a clue for wholeness and the circle of life. You are feeling rejuvenated and reenergized.
Read More..Dream about foot surgery
Dream about Foot Surgery hints the roots and core of your own emotions and spirituality. You are showing potential and promise for the future. You are unwilling to take responsibilities for your actions. The dream is sometimes some hidden secrets. You are displaying your aggressive nature.
Read More..Dream about holding feet
Dream about Holding Feet is a metaphor for renewal, rejuvenation and cleansing. You need to take a closer look at your actions and your motives. You are preparing yourself for growth and change. The dream is about your self confidence and high self esteem. You are struggling with pleasing both your parents without disappointing the other.
Read More..Dream about cold feet
Dream about Cold Feet is an omen for your laid back and easy going attitude. You are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are dwelling on old issues. Your dream is an omen for your spirituality; the body, mind and spirit. You have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go.
Read More..Dream about someone feet
Dream about Someone Feet signals your own personal principles. You are rushing into something. You feel conflicted about a decision and are stuck in the middle. The dream signifies your outlook in life. Have a disciplined view toward food.
Read More..Dream about shot in foot
Dream about Shot In Foot is an omen for flexibility. You have moved on with your life. You are proud of your body. Your dream is a message for an impending eruption of emotions. You will overcome the adverse opinions of others.
Read More..Dream about severed feet
Dream about Severed Feet hints trust in relationship. You want to be loved. You are going through a healing process. Your dream is a sign for your search for love, spiritual enlightenment, peace or even a solution to a problem. You are under tremendous stress.
Read More..Dream about dirty feet
Dream about Dirty Feet points at wholeness, purity, healing, development and unity. You are repressing your inner child. You are watching someone or something. The dream stands for growth, creative energy and positive change. You are playing with fire.
Read More..Dream about feet being washed
Dream about Feet Being Washed signifies your determination to succeed and overcome adversity. You are enjoying the good things in life. You feel emotionally protected. This dream is a sign for your need to connect with others on a mental level. You are feeling wired.
Read More..Dream about other feet
Dream about Other Feet is an indication for your roots. You are opening up yourself to a new level of spirituality or consciousness. You need to express emotions in a more honest way. The dream is an evidence for conflicts within your own self. You need to go out into the larger world and experience life.
Read More..Dream about someone washing my feet
Dream about Someone Washing My Feet points at gratifying success in your endeavors. You are placing complete trust in a person. You may be hunting for a solution. The dream is about your strength, competence, determination and ability to achieve your goals. You feel you need to take responsibility for your actions.
Read More..Dream about cat scratching my feet
Dream about Cat Scratching My Feet is a metaphor for unity and cooperation. You are being wanted. You need to open your eyes and look at what is in front on you. This dream refers to aspects of your relationship with your close friends, including difficulties/support. You are going against the masses and expressing your own personal freedom.
Read More..Dream about cleaning feet
Dream about Cleaning Feet states a new level. You are ready to achieve a new level of success. You are offering your support and encouragement for someone. This dream states a good friend is hiding her or his true feelings. Sometimes life is a gamble.
Read More..Dream about removing thorns in foot
Dream about Removing Thorns In Foot is a sign for a project that you are passionate about. You are welcoming others. You are experiencing wild mood swings. This dream is an indication for your social environment and sense of community. You are revealing a part of yourself that was once unknown.
Read More..Dream about pins in feet
Dream about Pins In Feet is your lightheartedness and enjoyment for life. You have confidence in your ability. You need to share and impart your knowledge on others. Your dream stands for renewal and purification. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual.
Read More..Dream about your own feet
Dream about Your Own Feet is a metaphor for summer pleasures. You are offending others. It is time for you to face the truth. Your dream means your playful attitudes and relaxed, carefree frame of mind. You need to establish a new self-image.
Read More..Dream about clean feet
Dream about Clean Feet suggests your commitment and dedication. You need to experience life. You need to set some time for fun and relaxation. Your dream is a clue for your climb up the social ladder and rise in status. You need to flexible in your thinking.
Read More..Dream about dead skin on feet
Dream about Dead Skin On Feet signals your own relationship with a person. It is a time for exploration, self-reflection and introspection. You are spending too much time on pleasure and fruitless activities. This dream points to your eccentric thinking. You have moved on with your life.
Read More..Dream about foot bleeding
Dream about Foot Bleeding is an evidence for new beginnings. You can achieve anything you want if you set your mind to it. You have the power and knowledge to unlock the contents of your subconscious. Your dream is an omen for fortitude and your ability to offer happiness to others. You need to make time for leisure and pleasure.
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