29 Expensive Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 29 Expensive Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about losing something expensive
Dream about Losing Something Expensive is about passion, joy and bliss. Perhaps you are looking to move. Some of your qualities will serve to guide you through life’s journey. The dream is a hint for respect, sincerity and humility. You are skating over some matter.
Read More..Dream about expensive
Dream about Expensive is a symbol for your emotional needs or urges. There are some unresolved issues that need to be worked out. There is a wall that is keeping someone from getting through. Your dream is a hint for the expected pleasures, demanding responsibilities and growing anxieties associated with a holiday season. Perhaps you need to extend a helping hand to someone who is in need.
Read More..Dream about buying something expensive
Dream about Buying Something Expensive is a premonition for your attitude and level of consciousness about a particular situation. You have the ability to stay afloat in times of turmoil and rise above your circumstances. You have crossed some boundary. The dream is a metaphor for a force or spirit that is protecting over you. You are utilizing the information you have and making the best of it.
Read More..Dream about expensive hotel
Dream about Expensive Hotel points at power strength and stamina. It is time to review your goals and how you are going about in achieving them. It is important to keep your hope alive. Your dream is a hint for security. You are taking the blame for the actions of others.
Read More..Dream about expensive clothing
Dream about Expensive Clothing is an evidence for passion, life and blood. You feel that you are becoming like your father. You need to draw wisdom from your past experiences. Your dream is a symbol for a sudden or unexpected end to something. You believe that you are being unfairly treated.
Read More..Dream about expensive car
Dream about Expensive Car signals worries and burdens. You may be deep in thought. You are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities. You need to take a break from life and let your mind rest. Your dream is an indication for a separation. Your thoughts and views are changing.
Read More..Dream about expensive bag
Dream about Expensive Bag signals an end to an addiction. You are ready to take certain risks in order to move ahead. You are pleased with the way your life is going. This dream is a metaphor for weakness or subtlety. You are dwelling on how things used to be.
Read More..Dream about owning expensive car
Dream about Owning Expensive Car indicates rejuvenation and renewal. You are unprepared for something. There is something you need to pay close attention to. The dream is an omen for mortality. You are hindering your own progress.
Read More..Dream about expensive jewellery
Dream about Expensive Jewellery is an indication for loyalty and commitment to family. You are in a sticky situation. You are pursuing a new or different path. Your dream is an omen for grace, purity, beauty, dignity, wealth and prestige. You are being caught off guard or caught by and surprised.
Read More..Dream about buying expensive clothes
Dream about Buying Expensive Clothes points to a commitment to your life partner. Someone is pushing you beyond your limits. You are learning something new about yourself. The dream is about new opportunities and possibilities. You have given in to the existing rhythm and are just along for the ride.
Read More..Dream about expensive jewelry
Dream about Expensive Jewelry is sometimes the path and direction of your life. You are proud of your social life and personal endeavors. You are open-minded about the new journey or phase in your life. This dream is a metaphor for self-love. You can see right through to their intentions.
Read More..Dream about expensive shoes
Dream about Expensive Shoes is a portent for your sociability, your openness and your sharing nature. You need to expand your relationships and create a cooperative network. You are irrationally concerned about the well-being of a loved one. The dream is a hint for your desires for a more exciting life. You are confronting life’s challenges and taking conflicts head-on.
Read More..Dream about receiving an expensive watch
Dream about Receiving An Expensive Watch denotes your sense of loyalty. You have internalized some fear. It is time to explore your spiritual side. The dream denotes pride and grace. You have put up an emotional wall around you.
Read More..Dream about expensive purses
Dream about Expensive Purses is a message for your ability to do two things at once. You are going through a healing process. You are right or that your political views are right leaning. The dream represents harmony amongst friends and loved ones. Perhaps you are reminiscing of the past.
Read More..Dream about expensive alcohol
Dream about Expensive Alcohol points to your desires to start over again. You have moved on with your life. You are involved in a slightly sticky situation. Your dream refers to your immediate connection to the world around you. You are under tremendous stress.
Read More..Dream about expensive clothes
Dream about Expensive Clothes denotes an emotion that you suppressed in childhood. It is time to get out there and experience life. You have uncovered some hidden talent and ability within yourself. Your dream is a hint for your creative power and new idea. You see a bright future ahead.
Read More..Dream about buying expensive things
Dream about Buying Expensive Things symbolises a physical boundary and how close you let others get to you. You are showing restraint and control over your emotions. You need to look at things from a different view or approach your problems from a new angle in order to successfully move forward. Your dream is solace, security and peace of mind. You are searching for some peace and quiet.
Read More..Dream about expensive things
Dream about Expensive Things denotes some memory or event. You are embracing a newfound independence. You are going through a healing process. The dream denotes your need to speak up about something. You feel that you are deserving of a small gift and are treating yourself to a little sweet reward.
Read More..Dream about buying expensive car
Dream about Buying Expensive Car is an omen for the merging of various aspects of your character and personality. You are unwilling to see or accept your own personal power and growth. Ou are using your imagination and exploring possibilities. The dream stands for life in the fast lane for you. You are in control of your personal life.
Read More..Dream about expensive watch
Dream about Expensive Watch is a symbol for your resourcefulness and survival skills. You are associated with nobility. You hold yourself in high regard. The dream stands for your sensual side. Emotional issues are trivial to you.
Read More..Dream about wearing expensive clothes
Dream about Wearing Expensive Clothes is a symbol for a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self. You are looking for respect and guidance. You need to show your boyfriend/girlfriend some appreciation and compassion for all the work that he/she does. The dream suggests fertility and rebirth. You will or have achieve power and courage.
Read More..Dream about new expensive shoes
Dream about New Expensive Shoes refers to mutual goals and teamwork. You are connected and well in tune with an aspect of yourself. You are feeling over-burdened and pressured. This dream expresses spiritual enrichment and emotional growth. You feel that you are being held back, either physically or mentally.
Read More..Dream about buying expensive shoes
Dream about Buying Expensive Shoes is an evidence for some situation or something that is moving slowly. You need to confront and overcome current difficulties before you can move forward with your life. You are refusing to accept certain things about yourself. Your dream suggests pure feelings and your emotional desires. You are experiencing some intense feelings.
Read More..Dream about expensive house
Dream about Expensive House is your lightheartedness and enjoyment for life. You are feeling rejuvenated and reenergized. You are able to separate emotions and love. Your dream is your desire to escape from your daily life. You need to appreciate your good qualities.
Read More..Dream about receiving expensive gift
Dream about Receiving Expensive Gift signals fertility and romance. You are that compassionate person. There is something that requires precision and accuracy. This dream is an evidence for your need to escape from the demands of your daily life. You are diagnosed with madness or that you are mad.
Read More..Dream about expensive food
Dream about Expensive Food symbolises your fears of losing something that is important to you. You are learning to accept and integrate the various aspects of yourself. You are having a claim to something. Your dream is a symbol for something in your life that is draining the energy and vigor out of you. You have built a solid foundation for success.
Read More..Dream about driving expensive car
Dream about Driving Expensive Car signals tranquility. You feel you are not satisfying your friends and family. You are discovering a new aspect of yourself. The dream is a premonition for a balance between dominance and nurturance. Perhaps you are seeking some guidance and support while you carefully explore aspects of your subconscious.
Read More..Dream about wearing expensive shoes
Dream about Wearing Expensive Shoes is a symbol for your connection and comfort level with your appearance. You need to be more open about your emotions and express how you really feel. You are moving into a new phase. The dream stands for meditation and prayer. You need to make a choice and take action.
Read More..Dream about expensive furniture
Dream about Expensive Furniture signals your values and belief system. You are saying goodbye to someone. You have some energy stored up waiting to be utilized. Your dream states your own self-discovery, transition and transformation into a new stage of life. Perhaps, you are feeling superior and are above some situation.
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