50 Elevator Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Elevator Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about elevator door closing
Dream about Elevator Door Closing denotes pure and divine love for everyone and everything around you. You feel unsupported by those around you. You need to confront your fears of the subconscious. Your dream represents forward movement and progress. You are acknowledging the feminine or masculine side.
Read More..Dream about being in an out of control elevator
Dream about Being In An Out Of Control Elevator represents patience. You need to work on yourself and explore your mind. Someone is always watching you. This dream is a premonition for rejection of friendship. You fear that this situation or relationship is falling apart and it is up to you to mend it.
Read More..Dream about being stuck in falling elevator
Dream about Being Stuck In Falling Elevator symbolises some cutting remark that you made and is coming back to haunt you. You are exploring your options. You are surrounded by close friends who you can rely on and who will uplift you in your time of need. This dream is a hint for an improvement in your current situation. You are focused in your goals and aspirations.
Read More..Dream about getting out of an elevator
Dream about Getting Out Of An Elevator is a metaphor for your accommodating nature. Somebody is giving you strength to confront some issue or conflict in your life. Something is bothering you. The dream points at the hostilities in the world. You are opening yourself up to others.
Read More..Dream about being in an elevator that is falling
Dream about Being In An Elevator That Is Falling is a portent for passion, joy and bliss. Draw and learn from your past experiences and lessons. You win at something. This dream is a hint for self-discipline. You are experiencing pure joy.
Read More..Dream about being trapped in a falling elevator
Dream about Being Trapped In A Falling Elevator symbolises your desires to stay connected with others. You are making a spectacle of yourself, either in a positive or negative way. You need to always be on the alert. The dream expresses your resilience, persistence and your ability to bounce back from adversity. You feel you can let your inhibitions go and forget about the cultural mores.
Read More..Dream about elevator walls closing in
Dream about Elevator Walls Closing In is your need for physical and emotional contact. You are feeling deprived. Something new is about to happen. Your dream suggests your ability to create something from an idea. You are going on a journey of self-discovery.
Read More..Dream about floating in an elevator
Dream about Floating In An Elevator symbolises nurturance, passivity, caring nature and love. Your conscious and subconscious are in an emotional conflict. You are overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship. This dream is a clue for trustworthiness, strength and resilience. You feel you are giving more than you are receiving.
Read More..Dream about dying in elevator
Dream about Dying In Elevator is an indication for subconscious material that is slowly revealing itself. You want to stray from your significant other. You are allowing your life to float away. The dream is a symbol for the sun and positive energy. You are versatile and able to adapt to any situation.
Read More..Dream about being inside elevator
Dream about Being Inside Elevator symbolises virginity, lust and sensuality. You have a handle on a situation or on life. You are slowly and safely exploring your inner feelings and emotions. Your dream signals your ability to weigh your options and make wise decisions. You need to bring two sides together.
Read More..Dream about falling elevator
Dream about Falling Elevator is an indication for renewed vitality. You are making a hasty decision. It is time to listen up. Your dream is a symbol for your importance in some decision. You want things to run more smoothly in some area of your life.
Read More..Dream about stuck in elevator
Dream about Stuck In Elevator hints remembrance. You have done something that you are not proud of or that is festering inside you. You are submitting to a power larger than you. Your dream is a premonition for an escape from the unhappiness or the demands of your life. It is time to address all the feelings you have suppressed.
Read More..Dream about being in falling elevator
Dream about Being In Falling Elevator represents your strong hold or grasp of some situation. You may be experiencing some anxieties and stress in your domestic life. It is time to let go and live in the present times. This dream is about some sort of realization enlightenment. You feel someone is taking advantage of you or is using you.
Read More..Dream about dark elevator
Dream about Dark Elevator means self exploration. You are evaluating and assessing your personal relationship. In order to become stronger, you need to hold up others so they will hold you up. This dream is satisfaction, contentment and comfort in your life. You are a pioneer.
Read More..Dream about shaking elevator
Dream about Shaking Elevator indicates companionship and provide a form of comfort. You are achieving a higher level of understanding. You are overwhelmed with a problem or issue. The dream is a hint for automation, simplification and ease. You feel at ease.
Read More..Dream about broken elevator
Dream about Broken Elevator is a message for gentleness, romance, beauty, lust and sensuality. You need to be more compassionate and understanding in some situation or relationship. You are refusing to accept some repressed aspect of yourself. This dream stands for your ability to create something from an idea. You are exchanging ideas, gifts, or other things.
Read More..Dream about dropping elevator
Dream about Dropping Elevator denotes completion, a fresh start and new transition. You need to draw on your inner strength. You are utilizing your instinctual nature. Your dream points to your power and control over your emotions. You are so focused on your goals that you are leaving behind the people around you.
Read More..Dream about elevator out of control
Dream about Elevator Out Of Control represents some delicate situation. You are free of any worries and focused on a life of ease. You need to interject more excitement and thrill into your life. Your dream is a harbinger for your attitude and the restrictions that you or others impose onto you. You are draining all the energy out of others.
Read More..Dream about new elevator
Dream about New Elevator states renewal and rejuvenation. You are rejecting something. Your problems and worrying are affecting your educational or professional pursuits. Your dream symbolises the value you are assigning to your talents and abilities. You are idealizing a relationship.
Read More..Dream about elevator breaking
Dream about Elevator Breaking suggests your professional mobility. You need to acknowledge a negative aspect of you and confront it. Someone is attempting to bring you back to reality. The dream is an indication for victory. You are heading into a new path in life and are ready to learn by example or from a past experience.
Read More..Dream about spinning elevator
Dream about Spinning Elevator indicates dissatisfaction with some aspect of your home life. You want to cut loose and go wild. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer. The dream is a sign for optimism, success, luck and hope. You are emerging from a time of darkness with a fresh attitude.
Read More..Dream about crowded elevator
Dream about Crowded Elevator is a hint for how aware you are about a particular thought or situation. You are going to some event by yourself. You have a fear of partnership or commitment and a general distrust of people around you. The dream is a metaphor for the need for kindness and compassion. You want to escape the grind of your occupation.
Read More..Dream about elevator dropping
Dream about Elevator Dropping refers to value, warmth, riches, or luxury. You want to make your animalistic desires known. Something that was previously hidden is now being revealed to you. Your dream states self-acceptance. You are revealing hidden aspects of yourself.
Read More..Dream about elevator shaft
Dream about Elevator Shaft is an indication for luxury, elegance and sophistication. You are feeling in control of your goals. You need to evaluate your goals and how you are going to achieve them. This dream is a portent for negative thoughts and ideas that you have internalized. You need to expand your relationships and create a cooperative network.
Read More..Dream about unstable elevators
Dream about Unstable Elevators suggests your own sense of pride and confidence. You may be expressing concerns about your spirituality. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure. Your dream symbolises knowledge, spiritual enlightenment and new awareness. Something in your life is coming together in a complex way.
Read More..Dream about huge elevators
Dream about Huge Elevators indicates wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. You are expressing some fear or uncertainly within your emotional state. You have the ability to adapt to various emotional situations. This dream stands for the gift of life and vitality. You will overcome current struggles or hardships.
Read More..Dream about white elevator
Dream about White Elevator is an indication for your desires of dominating and commanding others. You are getting in touch with your intuitive side. You feel the need to defend yourself. This dream means an independent spirit, feminine emotions, creativity and power. You need to enjoy life and live it up. Be a little glamorous.
Read More..Dream about elevators and stairs
Dream about Elevators And Stairs points to joy, harmony and tranquility. You also pride yourself in your loyalty and generosity. You are looking for a strong foundation and some stability. This dream is a harbinger for your happiness. Some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself.
Read More..Dream about elevator crashing
Dream about Elevator Crashing points at ferocity, strength and courage. You are taking advantage of some situation. You and your lover are able to co-exist and be civil to each other. The dream is a harbinger for your need to express more love and affection. Your girlfriend/boyfriend and you no longer share common goals.
Read More..Dream about dying in a falling elevator
Dream about Dying In A Falling Elevator is a premonition for reluctance in starting over or in taking a new direction. You are having second thoughts about a relationship. You have a solid relationship and strong support system. The dream refers to the cycles of life and how it brings about destruction and rebirth. You are well balanced.
Read More..Dream about elevators and heights
Dream about Elevators And Heights indicates a spiritual force in your life. You will experience a surge in energy and vitality. You should be able to easily deal with your feelings. The dream is an evidence for a special message from your subconscious. You are feeling empowered and able to overcome your obstacles and those who stand in your way.
Read More..Dream about elevator accident
Dream about Elevator Accident is clarity and truth. You are preserving your ideas and energy so that you can access them later. You are making steady progress toward a goal. This dream is a signal for possibilities and potentials. You are open and receptive to new changes.
Read More..Dream about waiting for elevator
Dream about Waiting For Elevator is an omen for the spirit of giving. You need to lay out your agenda, your goals and what you want to accomplish. You are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. This dream suggests dietary balance. You are experiencing a decreased sense of power.
Read More..Dream about elevator
Dream about Elevator expresses criticism and gossip. You may be searching for the comfort and security of home. What you believe and what is reality may be two different things. Your dream is an omen for your nurturing character. There is something that you are trying to hide or shield.
Read More..Dream about ascending in an elevator
Dream about Ascending In An Elevator is a sign for authority and pride. You have learned something significant from your past mistakes or previous experiences. You are envisioning success and accomplishing your goals. Your dream states modern life and your connections with others. It is time to open your eyes and stand up for your self.
Read More..Dream about elevators and escalators
Dream about Elevators And Escalators signifies rewards, prosperity and spirituality. You need to approach life with more casual and live more freely. Something is holding you back from fully expressing yourself. This dream signifies you sensuality and emotions. You are welcoming fun and festivities in your life.
Read More..Dream about lift elevator
Dream about Lift Elevator signifies your influences and how they work in guiding you through your life’s path. Somebody offered you advice or comfort in your time of need. Perhaps you are putting on an act or a facade. This dream signifies your missed opportunities for growth and pleasure. You are afraid to see your true Self and to be who you are.
Read More..Dream about elevator stuck
Dream about Elevator Stuck is an omen for warmth, abundance, longevity and prosperity. You are free to move ahead. Perhaps you are feeling apprehensive and ill prepared about what is ahead for you. This dream is a clue for a cycle of growth, learning and maturity. You are experiencing some personal spiritual unrest.
Read More..Dream about glass elevator
Dream about Glass Elevator signifies knowledge, perfection and peace. You need to confront the past in order to move forward. A pun on something that you need to add to your life. Your dream is a portent for a spiritual or emotional connection within your personal relationship or religious beliefs. How far you have come and what you have been through.
Read More..Dream about being in a broken elevator
Dream about Being In A Broken Elevator is an omen for self-love. You are on a path of self discovery. You are ready to move forward with your goals or a decision. This dream signals your protective nature. Perhaps you are in the middle of a stingy situation.
Read More..Dream about being trapped in elevator
Dream about Being Trapped In Elevator is a premonition for innocence and carefree attitude. There is a calming influence in your life. You have learned something significant about yourself. Your dream is an omen for something that you are still trying to understand. You need to develop closer ties and relationships.
Read More..Dream about crashing elevator
Dream about Crashing Elevator suggests your intuition or instinct is very strong and that you need to follow it. You are the one hiding or the one seeking. You value yourself highly. The dream is sometimes growth, activity, expansion and insight. It is time to go and get a physical check up.
Read More..Dream about using an elevator
Dream about Using An Elevator states mystery and the unknown. You are looking for warmth and comfort in your relationships. You need to take a break. Your dream is a portent for your prim and proper behavior. You will experience clarity in some situation or relationship.
Read More..Dream about old elevator
Dream about Old Elevator is a message for closure, strength and big gains. You need to be more honest and open with your family. Something in your life that has come to a crashing end. The dream refers to your lofty aspirations. You need to be more passionate in your love life.
Read More..Dream about trapped in elevator
Dream about Trapped In Elevator indicates a sudden awakening and new awareness. You are feeling connected so someone. You are confronting your repressed emotions. The dream is a symbol for wealth, happiness, immortality, high aspirations and knowledge. You are finally going after what you want in life.
Read More..Dream about taking elevator
Dream about Taking Elevator points at love, celebration and self-reward. You are refusing to acknowledge some characteristics may be affecting your performance and creative flow. You may be taking on a new role. This dream is a symbol for the beauty, womb and feminine qualities. You are feeling productive and optimistic about some new project.
Read More..Dream about elevator falling
Dream about Elevator Falling is sometimes sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You feel restricted and that you can’t express your emotions freely. You are who you are. This dream is a clue for your own desires for building a family and your family ideologies. You relate to someone on some intimate level that you are afraid to admit.
Read More..Dream about weird elevators
Dream about Weird Elevators points at summertime. Things in life have come a little easy for you. You are surrounded by wealth and riches. This dream is an evidence for love or you need for love. It is a time to reflect on your situation and what is going on in your life.
Read More..Dream about elevators flipping
Dream about Elevators Flipping is a metaphor for fairness harmony and cooperation. You need to take a chance and take that first step toward your goals or dreams. There is something that you are completely overlooking. The dream signals grief and sorrow in love. You need to balance work and pleasure in order to succeed in your current undertakings.
Read More..Dream about hotel elevator
Dream about Hotel Elevator signals the compromises that you make in life. You are feeling melancholy. Your stress will be alleviated and you will find peace of mind. The dream symbolises some sort of realization enlightenment. You are at a standstill in your life.
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