50 Door Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 50 Door Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about leaving car door open
Dream about Leaving Car Door Open states approval. You will overcome adversity. You are welcoming new changes. Your dream refers to a journey, either spiritually or physically. There is something nagging at your conscience.
Read More..Dream about holding door closed
Dream about Holding Door Closed hints pureness and faith. You have misspoken about some matter. You are unleashing your potential. This dream means your strong emotional ties or involvement to some activity/interest/hobby. You are flighty and always on the move.
Read More..Dream about the girl next door song
Dream about The Girl Next Door Song is a premonition for your ability to cope with and express your emotions. You are taking advantage of some situation. You are worried about a problem or situation in your life. Your dream is sometimes characteristics and personality that you chose to display to the public. You may be testing the limits of your physical strength.
Read More..Dream about elevator door closing
Dream about Elevator Door Closing denotes pure and divine love for everyone and everything around you. You feel unsupported by those around you. You need to confront your fears of the subconscious. Your dream represents forward movement and progress. You are acknowledging the feminine or masculine side.
Read More..Dream about someone trying to open door
Dream about Someone Trying To Open Door is a metaphor for a need to belong and to be part of something. You are content with the way things are going in your life. You may be trying to shut out loved ones. This dream points to conflicts within your own self. You are looking at the broader picture and are more aware of your surroundings.
Read More..Dream about door being forced open
Dream about Door Being Forced Open is a symbol for your backbone and the things that hold you up. Your anger is out of control and it is affecting those around you. You are driven to succeed. Your dream is an omen for your issues with race and ethnicity. You are in a race.
Read More..Dream about house door open
Dream about House Door Open expresses joy, calmness and harmony. You expressing a desire to keep your distance. You ashamed in acknowledging your connections. Your dream indicates knowledge, wisdom and your need for guidance. You are focused on enjoying life and all that it has to offer.
Read More..Dream about going to the toilet with no door
Dream about Going To The Toilet With No Door states your own self worth. You are feeling frisky or playful. You have misspoken about some matter. The dream is conflicts within your own self. You are feeling exposed and unprotected.
Read More..Dream about opening a door with a key
Dream about Opening A Door With A Key is a premonition for your path to spiritual enlightenment. You have to make a tough decision. You are in trouble or danger. The dream denotes a spiritual messenger or guide. You are finally going after what you want in life.
Read More..Dream about pushing door closed
Dream about Pushing Door Closed is a message for your anticipation of your own upcoming event in real life. You are showering someone with gifts or love. You are moving toward your goals by your own efforts. The dream is an evidence for your ability to make the best of everything that comes your way. Perhaps you have developed feelings for your friend and are wondering how he or she feels.
Read More..Dream about holding a door shut
Dream about Holding A Door Shut is a message for the memories or unnecessary details you keep stored in your mind and need to retrieve from time to time. Some pattern in your life is repeating itself, resulting in a viscous cycle. You are suppressing your thoughts and feelings. Your dream indicates your own soul and self. You are extremely in tune with your emotions.
Read More..Dream about door wont shut
Dream about Door Wont Shut denotes your tendency to keep you emotions and thoughts inside instead of expressing them. You need to raise your goals. You are last in line for something. This dream is a metaphor for your compassion and your consideration of others. You are sidetracked from your goals due to your domestic duties and communal responsibilities.
Read More..Dream about a lion at my door
Dream about A Lion At My Door symbolises the connection of your spirit to the earth, air, fire and water. You are open to acknowledging and confronting your subconscious feelings. You will have prominence in some field. Your dream is an evidence for the emotions that you have repressed because you were afraid of confronting them. Seemingly small ideas and concepts can possess much potential and power.
Read More..Dream about unable to lock door
Dream about Unable To Lock Door is a portent for your need for order and structure. Those around you are working to advance their own interest. You need to lay out your goals and plans clearly in order to be able to grow and move forward in life. Your dream states your passive aggressive nature. It is important to remember that a healthy relationship takes work.
Read More..Dream about hearing a knock at the door
Dream about Hearing A Knock At The Door is sometimes domesticity, ease, comfort and relaxation. You need to treat yourself to something special instead of constantly catering to the needs of others. You have a flexible self-image. Your dream hints your creativity and artistic abilities. You are recognizing certain unexpressed energy, particularly issues dealing with fear, aggression, etc.
Read More..Dream about opening a door for someone
Dream about Opening A Door For Someone expresses love, desire, fertility, beauty and femininity. You are unleashing your potential. You are giving into your physical desires. Your dream denotes superior knowledge. There is something in your past that you need to hold on to and preserve.
Read More..Dream about trying to open a locked door
Dream about Trying To Open A Locked Door is an omen for connection to your spirituality and the divine. You are in need of love, affection and emotional nourishment. You are seeking help from others. This dream stands for purity and perfection. You are placing complete trust in a person.
Read More..Dream about leaving door unlocked
Dream about Leaving Door Unlocked states childhood pleasures or rewards. You may be experiencing low self-esteem and confidence. You are emotionally overwhelmed. This dream is an evidence for balance, harmony and good judgment. You need to tell yourself that it is mind over matter.
Read More..Dream about car door open
Dream about Car Door Open is sometimes the part of yourself that is always in control. Something in your life is just peachy and going well. You will outwit your opponents. This dream points to foresights and achievements of a person. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient.
Read More..Dream about unlocking a door with a key
Dream about Unlocking A Door With A Key states your desire for love and affection. You are looking to process and understand some emotional issue. You may have experienced a surge in your confidence levels. Your dream is sometimes energy, power and vigor. You have set high goals for yourself.
Read More..Dream about missing door handle
Dream about Missing Door Handle is an escape from the stressful realities of your life. You are letting fear dictate your actions. You need to explore your emotions and open yourself up to others. Your dream suggests hidden aspects of your activities. You are feeling exposed and unprotected.
Read More..Dream about seeing a door open
Dream about Seeing A Door Open is sometimes warmth and your need for a better sense of security. You are feeling important and needed. You are under tremendous stress in your life. This dream signals contentment and peace of mind. You have crossed the line in some situation.
Read More..Dream about being unable to lock doors
Dream about Being Unable To Lock Doors is a metaphor for fertility, spiritual development, potential and growth. You are rising to a high position. You are open to exploring your subconscious thoughts and feelings. The dream refers to tranquility, spirituality, faith, peace, purity, joy and bliss. You need to show more sympathy, compassion and kindness.
Read More..Dream about hearing doors slamming
Dream about Hearing Doors Slamming refers to the need for change. You always aim high at whatever you do. You are feeling invincible and superior. The dream is an omen for self-punishment and self-blame. You are reflecting on your life experiences and relationships.
Read More..Dream about leaving front door open
Dream about Leaving Front Door Open is an evidence for tranquility, serenity and relaxation. You set your sights on something and you go for it. You are obedient. Your dream stands for pureness and faith. You want to be in the spotlight.
Read More..Dream about front door being open
Dream about Front Door Being Open is a portent for your outlook in life. You need to be more open and expressive with your emotions. Somebody is overstepping your boundaries. This dream expresses a rapid climb to success. You need to move on.
Read More..Dream about close door
Dream about Close Door stands for some unknown or unacknowledged power. You need to get out and enjoy what nature has to offer. You are letting your negative emotions get the best of you. The dream is a symbol for growth, renewed energy or increased enthusiasm for an idea or project. You are addressing and confronting emotional issues.
Read More..Dream about white door
Dream about White Door states the feminine mystique. Something is emerging from your subconscious. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. This dream is a signal for wealth, happiness, immortality, high aspirations and knowledge. Perhaps you are feeling alone or that you are the odd person out.
Read More..Dream about doors and windows
Dream about Doors And Windows is a clue for tradition, hard work and a simple way of life. Some relationship or situation is evolving and moving into a new phase. Something from your past is still impacting your present situation. This dream is a need to explore an alternative way of life. You are taking advantage of some situation.
Read More..Dream about unlocked front door
Dream about Unlocked Front Door is an evidence for renewal and new beginnings. You are a people pleaser. Sometimes what you don’t know is a source of anxiety and stress. This dream is about purity, creative energy or intense passion. You will achieve your goals slowly but surely.
Read More..Dream about someone walking through a door
Dream about Someone Walking Through A Door hints a positive outlook and prosperous future. You are waffling over a topic. You need to establish a clear timeline and lay your groundwork for success. Your dream is a symbol for an end to something and the beginning of something else. You are experiencing some struggle in your life journey.
Read More..Dream about bathroom door
Dream about Bathroom Door symbolises vitality and well-directed energy which will lead to prosperity. You are emotionally sensitive and easily irritable. There is something that you need to question. This dream denotes self discovery. You are very comfortable with your own emotions.
Read More..Dream about door kicked in
Dream about Door Kicked In is a message for your ability to give and receive love. You are adapt to various situations. You are involved in some insider information. This dream points to your desires to make a difference in your community or society. You are holding something back.
Read More..Dream about opening and closing door
Dream about Opening And Closing Door points to domestic comfort and orderliness. You are showing potential and promise for the future. You need do something or say something unexpected. Your dream is a sign for worries and burdens. You may be deep in thought. You are tracking something or someone.
Read More..Dream about door wide open
Dream about Door Wide Open suggests your elevated sense of self and high ambition. You need to foster or acknowledge some special quality that your best friend has. New light and insight is being shed on a problem that is nagging on your mind. Your dream is a sign for spiritual harmony. It is time to collect the benefits and rewards that you’ve worked so hard for.
Read More..Dream about next door
Dream about Next Door stands for approval. You have limitless energy. You get right to the heart of the matter quickly. The dream is an indication for your striking performance and stellar ability. You have unresolved inner conflicts and are refusing to address certain issues or feelings directly.
Read More..Dream about door being open
Dream about Door Being Open states your outlook and how things are going in your life. You are enjoying the rewards of your hard work. You need to clear your mind and free yourself of certain emotions that are weighing you down. This dream represents how you jump from one thing to another. You highly value yourself.
Read More..Dream about fixing a door lock
Dream about Fixing A Door Lock suggests festivities, togetherness and joy. You are in need of some direction. You may be feeling high or euphoric. Your dream points to emotional nurturance. You are making progress into your spiritual, emotional or material journey.
Read More..Dream about door opening and closing
Dream about Door Opening And Closing stands for your voice to express how you are really feeling. You are receiving a message. You are learning an important life lesson. The dream is a harbinger for rigidity and an unyielding personality. You tend to keep your emotions inside.
Read More..Dream about front door broken
Dream about Front Door Broken states emotional wholeness, continuity, commitments and honor. You are evaluating a situation and how the various pieces fit together. You meet the ideal person. The dream hints your ability to balance your goals and your family life. You are overwhelmed and overworked.
Read More..Dream about secret door
Dream about Secret Door expresses your quest for power. You need to be nurtured and to feel special. You can make a change. This dream expresses some emotional adventure or relationship. You are overconfident in your success.
Read More..Dream about broken lock on door
Dream about Broken Lock On Door is a symbol for memories from childhood. You are easily persuaded and influenced by others. You still have a lot of learning to do and knowledge to gain. This dream points at your identity, body image and your self-esteem. You hold them in high regards and are trying to learn from their wisdom.
Read More..Dream about hidden door
Dream about Hidden Door denotes divine qualities of fertility, nourishment and motherhood. You need to be grounded and realistic. You are hindering your own progress. Your dream expresses your potential and ability to succeed and be successful. You may have a gentle facade, but you are still rugged on the inside.
Read More..Dream about someone knocking door
Dream about Someone Knocking Door is about the birth of something new. There is something that you have yet to discover about yourself. You are high maintenance and in need of a lot of attention. Your dream indicates your vanity and your preoccupation with beauty. You need to reevaluate the situation and rethink what is really best for you.
Read More..Dream about shaking doors
Dream about Shaking Doors is a hint for the positive things and sacrifices you have made in your life. You are trying to keep up appearances and act as if everything in your life is going smoothly. You are acknowledging your own beauty and emotional appeal. This dream indicates your ability to balance aspects of your life. You are feeling an emotional or physical distance from your boyfriend/girlfriend.
Read More..Dream about missing door
Dream about Missing Door is an evidence for an outburst of emotions. You are all over the place in your emotions and thinking. You are censoring yourself and watching what you say. The dream hints your solid character and leadership ability. You are refusing to accept certain things about yourself.
Read More..Dream about house many doors
Dream about House Many Doors symbolises peace of mind, enlightenment, tranquility, fortune, goodwill and insight. You lead an active life and are always on the go. You hold the power and key to your own success, although you will surely have to go through some struggle and difficulty to achieve your success. The dream expresses great and laborious work ahead. You should look a special friend up and reconnect with him/her.
Read More..Dream about door mat
Dream about Door Mat is a sign for wisdom, faithfulness, longevity and loyalty. Some powerful people are trying to undermine you and your abilities. You are maximizing your energies and putting it toward worthwhile pursuits. The dream is a sign for completion or continuation of a familiar situation. You are easily swayed by others and are allowing them to control you.
Read More..Dream about seeing a closed door
Dream about Seeing A Closed Door is a hint for some revelation. You dare someone to do something. You need to introduce some liveliness in your life. This dream symbolises virility, longevity and life. It is a time for self-reflection and self-exploration.
Read More..Dream about old door
Dream about Old Door signifies your desire for attention. You are feeling lonely. Perhaps, your relationship is awakening some of issues. This dream is a clue for you self-image and the way you feel about your body. You are feeling emotionally repressed.
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