35 Clown Dream Interpretation
Following are the list of 35 Clown Dream Interpretation & Dream Analysis.
Dream about bad clown
Dream about Bad Clown expresses the value you place on knowledge and education. You need to be more realistic. You are experiencing some strong emotional conflict. Your dream suggests free love. You have a lot of things to consider.
Read More..Dream about creepy clown
Dream about Creepy Clown is an evidence for warmth, love, security and protection. You want to start anew. There is something that you have overlooked and need to pay closer attention. Your dream means your deep and intimate connection with God. You need to be careful in what you write, as words can be a powerful tool.
Read More..Dream about clown face
Dream about Clown Face indicates your ability to confront life challenges. You are undergoing some identity crisis. You are feeling inspired. This dream states your ability to express your emotions. You need to be more open and expressive with your emotions.
Read More..Dream about chased by clown
Dream about Chased By Clown means your achievement toward a higher level of growth. You and your boyfriend/girlfriend share something significant. You feel uprooted by a particular circumstance or relationship in your life. This dream is a message for possibilities. You are a fighter.
Read More..Dream about kissing a clown
Dream about Kissing A Clown is about a sweet and satisfying situation will eventually turn into sticky problem. You feel that someone or some situation is sucking the life right out of you. You are reevaluating your own path to success. This dream denotes a need to explore an alternative way of life. You need to let things be and let things take their natural course.
Read More..Dream about a clown following you
Dream about A Clown Following You is a message for something you want your significant other to do. Perhaps there is something that you are now seeing more clearly. Some heated emotion needs your immediate attention. Your dream is a sign for freedom, tranquility, restoration and renewal. You have to let go of the relationship that is holding you back.
Read More..Dream about seeing clowns
Dream about Seeing Clowns means life, expectations and questions. You are able to remain calm and cool under pressure. Perhaps, you should put the issues aside so you can clear your head and come back to it later. This dream is sometimes something that you are still trying to understand. It is time for new changes.
Read More..Dream about a demon clown
Dream about A Demon Clown suggests a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You are letting circumstances dictate your emotions. Things will be much simpler and carefree. The dream refers to strength, power and stability. You are seeking acceptance in order to move forward.
Read More..Dream about killing clown
Dream about Killing Clown is a signal for your family ties and home life. Life is passing you by. Draw and learn from your past experiences and lessons. The dream is a metaphor for joy, glory and victory. You are showing courage by standing by your own beliefs.
Read More..Dream about evil clown
Dream about Evil Clown suggests your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. It is a new day and a new beginning. You need to spring into action. Your dream is about something you need to pay attention to and acknowledge. Someone is imposing and intruding their thoughts and opinions on you.
Read More..Dream about being clowns
Dream about Being Clowns is a hint for a commitment to your life partner. Your personal desires and illicit pleasures may land you into trouble. You are out of touch with what is happening around you. The dream expresses something in your life that you have kept hidden. You like to be low-key about your intentions or goals.
Read More..Dream about fighting clowns
Dream about Fighting Clowns expresses depression and gloominess. Something good is coming to an end. You need to clean your mouth. The dream is sometimes power, potential and untapped energies. You have a lot of power and influence.
Read More..Dream about clowns killing you
Dream about Clowns Killing You is an omen for a sense of insecurity. There is something you thought you have left in the past that is still haunting you. Many eyes are watching you. The dream states positive growth. You are covering up your true feelings.
Read More..Dream about killing clowns
Dream about Killing Clowns hints enlightenment, spirituality and humility. You will fulfill one of your wishes. You need to reevaluate the situation and rethink what is really best for you. The dream states spirituality, purity and natural achievement. You adjust well in various situations.
Read More..Dream about being chased by clown
Dream about Being Chased By Clown is a symbol for your ability to balance aspects of your life with success. You will overcome some difficulties. You are seeking for better understand of your Self and of your origins. The dream stands for increase prosperity and fortune. You are making the best out of a negative situation.
Read More..Dream about evil clown chasing me
Dream about Evil Clown Chasing Me is about the unknown and the subconscious. You are freely expressing your femininity. Some people are motivating you to do better. Your dream is an indication for something that is forbidden. Your strong reputation will remain intact.
Read More..Dream about killer clown
Dream about Killer Clown expresses an important lesson that you can only learn from your parents or from some aspect of your home life. You feel that you are being questioned in some area of your life. You are in control of your own emotions and passions. This dream is a message for the value you place on knowledge and education. You will accomplish your goals and overcome obstacles.
Read More..Dream about clown makeup
Dream about Clown Makeup is an evidence for your deep and intimate connection with God. Opportunities and doors are being opened. You are overestimating the strength of something. This dream symbolises flexibility and creativity in your way of thinking. You are acknowledging something that is greater than you and deserves your respect.
Read More..Dream about white clown
Dream about White Clown is sometimes your sensual side and intimate desires. You are communicating a passionate message. You are overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship. Your dream is an evidence for self-renewal and positive change. You are showing restraint and control over your emotions.
Read More..Dream about clown attack
Dream about Clown Attack expresses your determination. You feel that you cannot depend on anyone and that you will end up alone. Perhaps, you need to show more fortitude, enthusiasm and confidence in some situation. This dream hints self-confidence, spiritual and mental balance and peace of mind. You are ready for a new outlook in life.
Read More..Dream about giant clown
Dream about Giant Clown symbolises your commitment and dedication. You are ready to make a fresh new start. You want to amount to something in your life. The dream hints spiritual harmony and balance. Things are going well for you.
Read More..Dream about clown
Dream about Clown is sometimes feelings or issues from the past that you are still holding on to. You are being accepted into some circle. You need to go back and redo something all over again. The dream is a symbol for loss of love and broken companionship. You constantly need reaffirmation, praises and acknowledgment.
Read More..Dream about many clowns
Dream about Many Clowns means your emotional energy and expressiveness. You are seeking guidance from a higher source. You have a lot of love to offer others. Your dream is a signal for your quest for love or for power. Life’s difficulties has made you dependable on others.
Read More..Dream about clown in house
Dream about Clown In House is a sign for a transformation; something new or life altering is about to occur. Some relationship or situation is evolving and moving into a new phase. You feel restricted and that you can’t express your emotions freely. This dream is a compassionate male figure in your life. You are flexible and open to change.
Read More..Dream about clown mask
Dream about Clown Mask is an evidence for satisfaction with your current situation. You need to build or work on in your relationships. Fortune will come from the most unexpected of sources. The dream expresses your courageous struggles toward achieving your highest ambitions and goals. There is something that requires precision and accuracy.
Read More..Dream about being attacked by clown
Dream about Being Attacked By Clown is an evidence for strength, protection and stability. You are experiencing a closer connection to a person. You are very methodical. This dream is a message for determination, practicality, stubbornness, perseverance and willpower. You are relishing in some joy, interest, hobby, activity, or situation.
Read More..Dream about clowns chasing me
Dream about Clowns Chasing Me is a harbinger for a positive outlook and prosperous future. Your thoughts and views are changing. Perhaps you are looking for someone to open up to and freely express the feelings that you are keeping inside. This dream stands for something in your life that is crystallizing or taking shape. You should write more.
Read More..Dream about becoming a clown
Dream about Becoming A Clown is a symbol for feminine power, beauty and love. You own personal experiences and knowledge. Your current relationship will take a positive turn. This dream is an omen for the importance of a maternal bond and connection. You are being propelled to a position of power.
Read More..Dream about scary clown
Dream about Scary Clown is a portent for a shocking turn of events. You need to appreciate certain things. You are dealing with some emotional issue as graceful as you can. Your dream denotes a sense of stability in your life. You have a flexible self-image.
Read More..Dream about clown killing me
Dream about Clown Killing Me is a message for your conservative views. You have a strong support system. You are able to steer something toward a direction. This dream represents brotherhood, camaraderie and personal growth. You are filling a social void in your life.
Read More..Dream about dead clowns
Dream about Dead Clowns stands for your faithfulness and sense of spirituality. You possess a lot of insight. You internalize your emotions and keep things inside. Your dream signifies your mind and its flowing thoughts. You are in control of your life.
Read More..Dream about clown chasing
Dream about Clown Chasing indicates excitement, thrills and joy. You need to vocalize your love more and express your romantic side. You are careful about the risks you take. The dream is a harbinger for your desires for a little extra flavor in your life. You are undecided between two choices you have to make.
Read More..Dream about clown trying to kill me
Dream about Clown Trying To Kill Me is a message for a feeling of exposure and invasion of privacy. Perhaps there is something that you need to think carefully about. Someone is pulling the strings. This dream is a hint for the need to hold some situation or relationship together. You need to set some time for more relaxation and enjoyment in your life.
Read More..Dream about clown fish
Dream about Clown Fish denotes some unresolved emotional issues. Your preoccupation has found its way into your dreaming mind. You are undergoing a transitional phase in your life. Your dream is your need for spiritual nourishment. It is a new day and a new beginning.
Read More..Dream about a sad clown
Dream about A Sad Clown suggests the early stage of a new project or new relationship in your life. You should reevaluate your social and professional standing. Your friends will always be there to lend a helping hand. Your dream is an evidence for nurturance, protection and unconditional love. You will win over an argument.
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